UltimateMetal Advanced User Portfolio Database - I need your feedback

UltimateMetal User Advanced Portfolio Database - I need your feedback

  • Sounds great!

    Votes: 22 100.0%
  • No, I don't like that shit. Forget about it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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knows what you think.
Sep 30, 2002
I'm currently thinking of creating sort of a searchable database where UltimateMetal users can put up their foto and some info about themselves. So each user would have its own kinda page similar to the boards portfolio page but totally independent from the forums except for the username identification.

This way people could use a search function and look up matching results according to their search query, for example someone searches for female dimmu borgir fans in germany and the database would give him all usernames/portfolios according to female metalheads that actually listen to that music and live within that specified country :) Of course, the more complete each users portfolio is, the more possibilies there are to combine search results.

You could compare it to a "People Search", a "Friend Finder" or something like that, just that it is focusing on music and/or this board.

Would you like that idea?
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I think it's a great idea. :) However for your own sanity (and speaking from experience) I would say you need to make this as automated as possible, so that people don't keep bugging you every five seconds because they want to change their pictures or thier info or whatever else. Other than that if our willing to put in the work then I commend you. :)
I think you're insane for wanting to subject yourself to such punishment, but hey, more power to ya! Good luck with it! ;)
it seems like a great idea to me and i'm willing to help if there's anything non-technical you need done. i suck at technical things.
also, i couldn't begin to fathom for the life of me who could be interested in looking up female dimmu borgir fans in germany (an exceptionally sadistic serial killer?) but i trust this world is full of all sorts of people. :p

thx so far for the input but come on guys, I just need some more feedback, all of you who just read through the thread but don't post or at least vote :(

it's not THAT difficult ;)

well, anyhow since you seem to like the idea I'll start working out things, it's fun anyways :rock:
I think it's a pretty neat idea. If I were you, I'd probably go ahead and do it anyhow. I quite enjoy working on web-projects and more often than not it's an idea for a project that's missing, rather than technical 'know how' (at least within my limited ability).
Go for it. It sounds like the kind of thing UM users would like, too, so I bet it would be pretty successful.
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