Ulysses Siren - Classic 80's Bay Area thrash!!

Electric Savage

Bukkake Bastard
May 13, 2002
San Francisco

I know a few of you Bay Area old timers remember them. Well after all these years, the group spearheaded by Jon Torres (Laaz Rockit, Warning SF, Angel Witch, etc...) has finally released a CD. It's a remastered collection of recordings from the 80's that absolutely shred! For those of you that love the Bay Area sound, you gotta check it out, cause this was Jon's best band. There's a few samples on the web page: www.ulyssessiren.com
Jon is a very old friend of mine, and great musician, Manuel was the singer & had a very different & unique stlye(he should try out for Exodus). Steve huezer played drums & was quite good also.
Steve Pickering played one guitar, while Jon played the other.
And J.R. was the bass player, & party animal. A true thrash band that evolved right out of San Francisco(not like most Bay Area bands, that say there from SF, but not). Those were the days & this band, although never climbing to the top of the ladder, had its place, they were a great support band. Jon wants to release a video I filmed for them, thats cool with me. Glad that some people still remember them, because it's Bay Area Thrash History, we are talking about.