UM Censored: Strarting up a Posse

nafnikufesin said:
Alright, the explanation of why druggs are banned here is in this thread in the general metal discussion forum.

Spammers have to ruin it for everyone, and how long before they figure out a way around it like Greg did, and soon every word will be censored, and when that happens *** **** ***** ** *** *** ***!
Ah, I guess that makes sense...damn spammers!:mad:
drugs *****


shit fuck ass pussy cock shit damnit cunt ass shit fuck ass satan



hey guys wanna do some drugz?

i <3 drugz

drug... do drug..s..

druggy... druugggggs... prescription *****... prescription drugz


so yesterday i did some drugs

so now i'm starting up a posse, right after i go get my prescription filled, you know i'm nothing without my *****