would like to welcome Avian!


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA would like to welcome Avian to the family! Many of you will know this band already, others will need to check them out RIGHT NOW! Great music and musicianship within this band, a must listen.

Also don't forget that Avian features in its ranks Lance King on vocals (ex-Balance of Power, Pyramaze, etc.) and David Ellefson on bass (ex-Megadeth, F5).

Welcome guys!
Hey Jonah, Yan, what promted the change from Nocturnal Horde, to Ultimate Metal?

Also, some one should get Lance to post on here & the Pyramaze forum whenever he has the opportunity, since I know he's the busiest man on the face of the planet.

Looking forward to HOPEFULLY see you up this way soon.

Your walking, living, breathing encyclopedia of all things metal,

-Jeff:rock: :rock:
We decided to move here simply because there are WAY more users here than at Nocturnal Horde. We were very happy there but the bottom line is that there are a lot more users here and we figured we could reach more new fans this way. Hope it works ;-)

I'm sure Lance will stop by here from time to time; he always finds time for fans.
Alright smart guy ;-)

Touring will be kind of difficult in the foreseeable future due to the fact that we are working on the next cd plus Lance and Jonah are busy with Pyramaze. However, we may due a show or two before the end of the year; we'll see how things go. We will definitely do a bunch of shows, maybe even a tour, once the next cd is out (early next summer).