um.... Reuben...






I own that album hehehe, haven't listened to it in a long time though.
wooo! we should listen to that in the car tonight chromie :kickass:
its one of my favorite, if not my favorite, album to juggle to
Dead_Lioness said:
maxie paxie: then go and play some Testament / Sadus / OverKill / Kreator / Sodom and tell me what you think :D

ill try to burn you those cds i promised as soon as ill have a new burner :/
sigh... okay fine :p
but of course i've heard testament!! they rule... i own the gathering, and the ritual i think, but ive heard others as well
and i've heard some kreator... didn't like it all that much, but maybe i'll give it another chance.... but yeah, i'd listen to them if you burned them for me :)