UM Rome: Total War Clan members list.

Yeah, you're right.

But also, some of us members are anti-Rome and pro-Barbarians!:tickled:

What Legion would we be, because there's a lot of them already taken by other RTW Clans. Legio XI Claudia would be cool, but I am almost certain that is taken as it is one of the most famous Legions. It was created by Julius Caesar by the way.

Edit: O.k. here is a pretty cool site about some info on most (if not all) Legions and some info on each of them.

What do you guys think?
Yeah I saw the banner thread but I'm still thinking about a username, because I'm sad like that...

I'm also looking at the legions, by the way. Looking at Legio IIII Scythica right now... which is Roman. Just so you know I'm neither anti-Roman nor pro-Barbarian... or the other way around. So anything's fine with me. But yes "Legion" sounds cooler to me as well.
Love the emperor that created the Legio XV Primigenia :tickled:
Oh and I'm anti-roman if you haven't guessed that already :Smug: .
My germanic tribe will burn, rape and pillage(in no particular order) Rome :devil:

Haha, hell yeah man! I hear ya. I want to play as Germania so bad, because the terrain and units are going to be so cool. Nothing beats screaming women and dense forest battles.


You seem worthy enough to be in our clan. How about it TB666?

I didn't get the chance to play online in STW because there was a bug in the system, and once I fixed it, it was too late to play. It sucks that they shut down STW multi-player.
I want in!!!

I was one of the top-ranked players online for Shogun Total War!!!

Okay, that was a lie. In fact, i'm not actually intending to get Rome:TW at all.


Can I join anyway?

I admit it, i'm actually only here to recruit UT2k4 clanners!!!

Bwuahahahahahahaha abbles.