Under the Southern Cross 3 featuring DARKER HALF sat Jan 22nd.


The 3rd year running of the Under the Southern Cross event in celebration of Autralia day by showcasing some of the countires top and upcoming acts.Very proud to have DARKER HALF aboard the 3rd intallment.
Should be a good one.:kickass:
Was a pretty good day. Ended up running close to time, some bands sounded good, others better, some suffering from mixing trouble it seemed. Looked like there was an ok turnout. I even sold some things!!
The promoter was actually very dissapointed with the turnout and i must say i dont blame him. For 10 bands and 11 hours of Metal the gig should have been more packed!
Shame not many bothered to get in for the first 5 acts and even worse were the countless amount of posuers yet again drinking in the free bar downstairs not bothering to come upstairs to the gig.
Other than that i enjoyed the day and the bands and wanna thank Stigmata productions for hosting the event and inviting DARKER HALF to be part of it.:kickass:
I think the price, although seemingly fair, would put some people off. $20 for a bunch of unknown bands is risky. The logic not being brought into question. I would have thought that Earth and Morghal might bring some interested people in... and if people came later, than perhaps that is a part of it.