Underground Death Metal?


Jan 16, 2009
this may be a quickly dead issue, but does anyone know of any underground death metal bands? or just ones that aren't talked about much, but are good. i was bored. shoot me.
they aren't bad, i like them, i can't find any actual albums by them though, (i guess thats why they're underground or i'm assuming so)

Rides the Moonstorm and The Fifth Moon are rare, and a bit difficult to find.

Ancient Death and Under the Black Cross can be bought here: www.elegyrecords.com

If you like Pentacle, definitely check out Asphyx (The Rack, Last One on Earth, and On the Wings of Inferno) and Soulburn (Feeding on Angels), as both are related to Pentacle.

as for another reco, get Runemagick's first three albums.
thanks man, yeah i like Pentacle, the mp3s available on their site i definately enjoyed. i always take recommendations thats alot.
check out
limb from limb
the meat grinder
meat snorkle
.... tell me what u think of those and ill shoot more depending on what tickles u
check out
limb from limb
the meat grinder
meat snorkle
.... tell me what u think of those and ill shoot more depending on what tickles u

wasn't a big fan of Limb From Limb,

i really liked Excruciate, Defamer wasn't too bad, i couldn't find the others for some reason.
I found a really good one, Devolved, they're sweet, just ordered their album, i'll let you know how it is when i get it.
Devolved from Australia? I've got Technologies and got to see them when they toured around many years ago. It's not bad I guess, kind of reminds me of Fear Factory without the nu metal.

My recs = Grotesque(AUS), Nails of Imposition(AUS), Serpens Aeon, Caducity,
yeah i do believe thats them, i've just been browsing myspace looking at a few "underground" bands so to speak, basically just what people don't bring up when they talk death metal, there are some good secrets out there, i've found a few bands that are really good
Limb from Limb are great... picked up Rip him from his fucking throne as a random purchase from Red Eye Records... good shit. Try Abominator.. for some blackened death.

Whats underground these days? Try Psycropic.. you may not have heard em..