Unfinished song (Axefx, SD2.0 MF, french accent)


Serial Riffer
Dec 28, 2008
Wattrelos, France
Hey guys.
So I've been struggling with this mix for 2 days now and I don't know what else to do. It sounds quite alright but there's something that bothers me and I can't find what it is.
I can give you all details if you want, I'll just go with the basics for now:
Guitars: Schecter Hellraiser C1Fr->Axe Fx Ultra (with the FAS Modern and the 4x12 Metal loaded)->Toneport UX1 (the only thing I have to plug everything to my computer)->Cubase.
Bass: Schecter Stiletto Custom 5->Bypassed Axe Fx Ultra->Toneport UX1 (yes I was to lazy to plug it directly into the Toneport)->Ampeg SVX
Drums: SD2.0 with Metal Foundry, Drumagog 5 with Joey Sturgis's snare and kick samples.
Vocals: Sm7b->Toneport UX1
Basically, I put a SSLComp on pretty much eveything with different settings, and also one on the master, along with some EQ.
For the vocals, I've got 2 different compressors (SSLComp and Blockfish) running, with a De-esser for the cleans (Spitfish).
And there are also a Limiter (Elephant) and 2 clipper running on the master bus.
Tell me what do you think of it, what should I change, improve, delete, throw out the window etc.


Here's the link!
Normaly you won't have to suscribe for anything. If it doesn't work, tell me and I'll upload it somewhere else.

EDIT: Oh and it's unfinished because I couldn't do the gang vocals (if you see what I mean) all by myself.

New version: Here's the link!
Perhaps you should host the file on dropbox, most ppl hate rapidshare&co.
I'm only on headphones but I think the guitars need to be more present. Perhaps more mids and highs but I can't quite make out what bugs me about the guitars.
They sound much too "dry" and behind all other elements of the mix. Don't get me wrong, I think the guitar sound is good but it somehow doesn't work with the music, for me.

Guitars aside, I like the mix - very solid work man! Also nice production effects / gimmicks to make the song more interesting.
The drums sound a bit artificial, but you know.. programmed drums tend do to that :lol:
I would add some effect(s) on the spoken vocals in the very beginning, also.
Reverb/Stereo-Delay (ping-pong delay perhaps), distortion or some EQing.. it sounds a bit boring just as it is, imho.

What I said might sound hard, but I really liked your mix.. just wanted to give some constructive criticism. :)
Ahah thanks a lot! Very helpful advices indeed ^^
Yeah I also find the spoken vocals of the beginning quite boring, I just wanted to avoid making another track just for this part, but guess I have no other choice :p
The guitars already have quite a lot of high middle (boost around 1,40hz), maybe I'll try to boost the highs as well.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your help!

I changed some stuff while waiting for an answer, vocals, bass and master. I still feel that the vocals are kinda to separated from the mix, but I don't know what to do about it. What do you think? Better, worse or same? :p Still no effects on the spoken vocals though.
Anyway, here's the link (and no rapidshare this time ahah).

Edit: new version with effects on the vocals and a slight boost on the highs for the guitars. Here's the link!
Oh, and by the way, do you think I should change my recording interface (I still use the line inputs of the UX1, I tried to plug the Axe in the mic input but it sounded quite like shit)? I was thinking about buying a M-Audio Fast Track Ultra (USB2.0) but I don't realy know if it will be worth the money spent. I mean, will there be a difference in my recording quality?
I wanted to buy a Mackie Onyx Satellite, found it used, but when I received it, the main firewire port didn't work. I don't realy want to make the same mistake again ^^
Nice job man.
In my opinion try to have fun eq'ing the low-middle part of the guitar sound :)
and a little more reverb on the vox...just a little... :)
J'aime beaucoup ton son de guitare ;)

The overall mix sounds nice to me, especially i like this type of guitar sound, it sounds natural :kickass:
Tahahah merci beaucoup! :)
Yeah I tried to give it a Peripherish sound, don't know if I succeeded or what.
This was mainly my "test" song, struggled quite a lot on this one to get some presets for the other songs of the EP I'm writting.
The mix is massive as fuck for the most part, but lower the vocals a TINY bit, and try to move some of the low-mids of the guitars to the high mids.
(but dont completely get rid of that chunky low mids.) yaknow? lmao