Unfinished Sweet


Old Fart
Sep 12, 2007
Ive been workin on this cover for three days and its getting close to being done. I need to adjust some levels and put in a few drum rolls in a few parts. I have get my son to do that. I cant do a roll very well. I have a hard enough time with keeping beat. I found a cool web site for the dentist drill. Its nothing but sound effects. Im easily excited :). Im playin all the stuff and singing. Bad singing, sorry. It was fun and frustrating getting it to this point. I had alot of synth stuff to mess with and thats new to me. A few more days tweaking and it will be done. Maybe not great, but done in my book :) Anyway have a listen. Its still in rough form and needs some stuff added. But Im tired and need a break for a few days. Its a classic rock song. Link below

Sounds cool to me apart from the stuff you already mentioned (drumming not perfectly in time, average singing...).

I dig this dentist drill sample ! :)

If you want to improve your singing i suggest you to get the Melissa Cross : Zen of screaming vol.1 DVD.
Thanks for the listen. Someone told me to pretend like your constipated. I had to laugh !! I still not comfortable yet singing, thats a big drawback. Hopefully it will come.