Ungrounded and grounded gear connected?


Señor Member
Jan 24, 2011
I've been running my PC and monitors off of the same outlet, it's grounded.
Now, I've built a better PC and I got issues with the monitors, such as:
White noise, crackles, weird noises when typing or moving the mouse, and it also makes a noises lika commodore 64 loading a game when accessing harddrives or files..

When I open Reaper (my DAW) I get a lot of all the noise, shut down Reaper, and the noise is much, much lower..

Headphones don't suffer this problem, nor does my other recording equipment, they don't add any noise nor is it captured when recording..
The screen isn't causing the noise either..

So, I'm assuming it's because they're on the same outlet as the PC.
Unfortunatly I only have one grounded outlet.
Can I run the monitors off an ungrounded outlet, while the PC is grounded?
The connection between them is the RCA..

Don't want to fry anything..!
An update:
I. Have. No. Clue. what the problem is..

I suspect it's the soundcard, but it doesn't make any sense at all.
It seems that the signal, when recording, is suffering as well.
This is a sudden error, didn't have this a couple of days ago.
I thought it was only a monitor issue since I started using them.

When using headphones, I don't get the noise issue.
What I've done:
Switched everything to an ungrounded outlet, no difference.
Disconnected the screen and everything but PC and monitors, no difference.
Used the headphones on the monitor output, no noise in the headphones.

My guitar is picking up a great amount of noise, so I switched to my bass, and same issue.
I have no idea, like I said, this hasn't been an issue, it started yesterday.

You're gonna get noise coming from those unbalanced rca cables pretty much no matter what you do, unfortunately. I had the same issue forever until I upgraded to monitors with balanced ins.

Oh you say it started yesterday? Well fuck. Could be some new appliance someone in your vicinity bought. When they kick in they suck alot of energy.
It might be other equipment in the room. Have sorta same noise issues (like when moving my mouse, more noise when there is more white on my screen), but only in my left monitor, tho i think it got damaged. One day i blew my profire 2626, also my power supply of my computer died that day. Since my profire went into repair (under warranty) for a few months, i bought myself a M-audio fast track. Had alot of wierd noises with that one. Once i got my profire back ( a new one) noises were alot less. Now a month back, i cleaned all cabbles behind my TV, sorted em all nice and clean together (my TV is connected on the other side of the room), since then, the noises went down even more. Still not sure what it is, but at the moment of typing this one, i think it's my telenet digirecorder (google it if you want to know what that is) or something with my TV.
Oh you say it started yesterday? Well fuck. Could be some new appliance someone in your vicinity bought. When they kick in they suck alot of energy.

You know, I actually thought that, since my neighbour was working on something..

At least it wasn't a software issue, I trouble shot that down, I used an older OS image and still had the noise.
Connected the monitors to an ungrounded outlet, nooo noooise..
I'm assuming it's the PSU, now..
The error occured suddenly, I get noise when recording, but if I move away from the PC with the instrument, the noise goes away..
I tried recording with a couple of tube-pre's, but they had the same noise the monitors had, and they were on the same outlet the PC is on..

I'm going to check to see if it helps having the monitors + other stuff earlier in the electrical chain than the PC..
The noise didn't go away when I kept it all on an ungrounded outlet.. so..

Just got a new guitar and was going to record shit, and this happens.. it's just such a fucking perfect timing.. :p