Unicorn Tabs?

Yes. My friend (the tabber - Blekota) said that he is too lazy to do that :) But he has light moments just like this tab.

But you can continue the chain. Try to write another tab and someone else will do another after you and so on and it may lead to completion of all songs.
Waterfall has a fucking weird chorus..
omy, how off topic this was.
Yea, guys, get off your asses and tab some Unicorn :)
it's great stuff

try Ever Since or Hiding Again
great songs
I guess I could tab some Unicorn aswell.. I know most of the songs from EW - at least I think I know them. I guess its impossible to play it exactly the same without having the ones that in fact did record it, tab it out.
Hi guys,

Emotional Wasteland album is quite easy album to tab (against Weirdest Of Tales, Collection Of World or Ever Since). I will try tab At The End Of The Bridge next weekend.