Unique Anthrax


I was trying to think of another band that sounds like Anthrax and I can't think of one. Just the way the songs are constructed seems to differ to other bands, its just a thought.

Augdawg you keep listening to world needs a hero am i missing something, I thought that album was real bad, should I give it another listen?
Yes, "World needs a hero" is indeed a good Megadeth album. They needed to make a good album after risk and this is a pretty good album. The album sounds like it has mixes of "Peace sell, but who's buying" and "Countdown to extinction". Let me break down the album for you song by song.

1-Disconnect, this song sounds like the new Megadeth, it's kinda of a single oriented song, but it's a great mid tempo rocker.

2-The World needs a hero, this song has some great time changes and sounds like a "Peace sells" song.

3-Moto Psycho, I hate this song, worst song on the album. Thankfully, the only bad song on the album.

4-1000 times goodbye, this is a killer song, Mustaine is at his bitchy snarling best on the vocals. Great riff, another mid tempo affair, but you'll want more.

5-Burning bridges, This is a very complicated song, kinda like something off of "Rust in Peace". It builds to a old school sounding Metal speed near the end of the song.

6-Promises, A definite single oriented song, but the strange thing is Mustaine actually sings on this, and his singing is pretty good. This songs kinda sounds out of place on the album, but this is a pretty good ballad for Megadeth.

7-Recipe for Hate/Warhorse, This is my current favorite on the album, this song totally sounds like old school Megadeth.

8-Losing my senses, This is the most experimental song on the album, but Megadeth again uses complex arrangements and the tempo builds into a metal frenzy by the songs end.

9-Dread and the fugitive mind, not a bad song, but this is the second least favorite on the album. Kinda sounds like a "Countdown to extintion" castaway.

10- Silent Scorn, Just a little musically interlude

11- Return to Hanger, this song is one of the best Megadeth tunes in years! The chord structure of the song is in the same interval as the Hanger 18 classic, and this is a great sequel. I hear that they are playing Hangar18, and Return to Hangar back to back live!

12-When, kinda mellow, but still a great tune.

Overall review of "The World needs a hero" 8 out of 10. You may want to take another listen if you didn't like it the first time out. I like it anyway, and I'm pretty picky with my reviews. I really thought Megadeth regained some of their early fire with this album. Cheerz!
It's actually "Risk" that is considered to Megadeth's worst album. I myself remember running out to purchase the new Megadeth album(Risk), and a hour and a half later I was actually wanting to cry! It's the first time I have ever heard one of my favorite bands and been that dissapointed. I had a hard time bringing myself to purchase "The World needs a here", but I can say that I'm glad I did. Yes indeed, "Risk" was perfectly named!
Not a problem! I'm actually at work so it's not a problem, my company(well you know the company I work for) is not too busy at present time. I enjoy telling people about music! Too bad I don't work for a music magazine!
One of my favorite lines from "WORLD" is in RECIPE FOR HATE...WARHORSE. THE LINE IS .........

"In a broken mold they made me,.
The black sheep of the family
Worth less than zero, my opinion,
And room temperature IQ.

I did something, now I'm nothing.
Always wrong with this or that.
Poisened with fear, watch it twist,
My measly brain mad!

Talk about me when my back is turned.
Next time we meet It'll be too late.
The memory burned in my ears, of what you said.
And now, I've got a recipe for hate, TASTE IT!''

Had this song been out 10 years ago, my alienated " black sheep 'o the family ass" would've made this song my anthem.