Unreviewed haul 5/9


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Last part of the supposedly last haul of the year.

Wuthering Heights - "Far From The Madding Crowd": Nils Patrick Johanssen on vocals, recommended by Fang and I'll see...

Sentenced - "Frozen"
Sentenced - "Crimson"
Sentenced - "The Cold White Light": Well some of you washed my brain and I finally got the rest after "Down", I'll post impressions later.

Solstice - "Lamentations": THIS IS some kind of monster. A band absolutely unknown to me, dark as the doom they play this guys from England beat the crap out of anyone. Pure Solitude Aeturnus/Candlemass stuff, doom so elegant, classic, epic, melodic and well played that nobody can understand how the guitar player ended in CoF :ill: Anyway, this album is mandatory for true Doom fans.
Which brings me to, is their latest album with the second vocalist as good as this stuff?