Up and coming UK power metal

wow... you know them? sweet!

I think it probably is, check out on the website, they've got some of their mp3s on there!

Got both of their demos, their first one had awesome song on it, but it was poor recording quality, either with an 8-track or a pc, i forget which... The second demo (which oath is off) is great quality cos it was done in a studio down in cornwall!

Only ever saw the guys properly live once, but the next day i was rather bummed out cos they're so good *cry*

Another time, in our last year of 6th form, my band played with them for the 6th form review (end of term show) and they let us play through their amps, £1000 they cost.... *drool* we sounded fookin awesome through them! :lol:
Phallicide are dos, but they only ever play gigs when I'm not in Bristol, so I'm as yet to see them. Which is pish.
I would promote Battleheart here, but we don't have a website, and Gavin probably whores us enough on this forum anyway.
lordominous said:
Phallicide are dos, but they only ever play gigs when I'm not in Bristol, so I'm as yet to see them. Which is pish.
I would promote Battleheart here, but we don't have a website, and Gavin probably whores us enough on this forum anyway.

Yeah, I only just met him and he's all Battleheart this, here's my demo that. Totally pimping his lyrics at me. Who'd be in a "pirate metal" band eh? What a silly idea :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:
Tonberry said:
Totally pimping his lyrics at me. Who'd be in a "pirate metal" band eh? What a silly idea :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

His lyrics? Pfft, what a poseur. Gavin couldn't write lyrics of steel even if he had a magic sword stuck up his ass. Man, the only thing worse than being in a pirate metal band would be... I dunno... maybe being in a space pirate metal band.
lordominous said:
His lyrics? Pfft, what a poseur. Gavin couldn't write lyrics of steel even if he had a magic sword stuck up his ass. Man, the only thing worse than being in a pirate metal band would be... I dunno... maybe being in a space pirate metal band.

Never once called them my lyrics, :lol:
Docaroo said:
AWESOME! Space Power Metal... that definately has potential!! Taking influences from Luca Turilli's Solo "cosmic" stuff...

Next song is definately gonna be "spacey" with the guitar works... I'll get to work hehe

Yeah, we were hugely influenced by LT's Prophet Of The Last Eclipse. We wanted to re-do that album, but with more Pirates. And more Dragons. And our own spaceship. And... Pirates. :loco: