Upcoming Reissues

Running Wild recently reissued most of their discography. I've bought three CDs so far and love all three.

The Celtic Frost ones are really good, but it's a conflict of interest for me to actively support them since Tom G. Warrior was forcibly axed from the project and he's my friend.
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Running Wild recently reissued most of their discography. I've bought three CDs so far and love all three.

I picked up a ton of these and they're all great. I personally wish they werent digipaks because they get tore up too easy. The Voivod reissues they did were good too. Didnt fuck with the Celtic Frost ones because I've had all that shit for years.
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I've been eyeing the Celtic Frost ones and the Voivod on amazon. That sucks Tom G Warrior was dropped from them. Your digipaks get destroyed? I'm the opposite, my jewel cases always get crushed.
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My digipaks get pretty thrashed around the edges eventually. Worst so far is my copy of Oath of Black Blood. Thing is haggard, some of my Autopsy digipaks are getting to that level too.
Your digipaks get destroyed? I'm the opposite, my jewel cases always get crushed.

I store my cds on bookcases, havent had any issue with jewel cases unless they're already smashed upon arrival. Digis tend to wear on the edges over time from the slightest friction.
Ahh, I see. I've got to get a bookshelf for my cds. They are thrown in the corner and are stacked together. So when I look for something everything topples down, which is how the cases get messed up.
As his friend, you should inform him to go back to Celtic Frost and lose the dead weight that is Triptykon.

Celtic Frost will never exist again because Martin Eric Ain died, and Triptykon is literally a continuation of the ideas from the Monotheist album but without Martin's contributions. Unfortunately, Celtic Frost is over.

You're pretty picky for a guy that was praising the new Marilyn Manson album in a post that I read last night.

Speaking of reissues, all of the 2016 releases purported to be on Heavy Sound are by a fraud pretending to be the old label and none of them are authorized by the bands. I also think most or all of them have been reissued or will be reissued in the near future.
Mjolnir Productions have signed a pact with GRAVELAND to re-issue their first 3 full length albums on cassette :

1) Carpathian Wolves
2) Thousand Swords
3) Following The Voice of Blood

It will be a box-set release strictly limited to 100 copies only.

Distribution exclusively by Summers End Records.

The layout designs are being worked on now with more details to come...
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