Upcoming The End Releases

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I got this little sampler thing from The End the other day, and it includes several selections from upcoming releases. Some of the releases are only distributed by The End, I believe.

Anyway, the most impressive is: Agalloch 'Falling Snow' from Ashes Against The Grain.

That was pretty obvious, though.

Other very solid selections include: The Gathering 'Shortest Day' from Home, Head Control System 'Wonderworld' from Murder Nature, and Yyrkoon 'Signs' from Unhealthy Opera.

There are quite a few other songs that I need to hear more, but they sound very solid. Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Green Carnation, Giant Squid . . . to name a few.

The disappointments include: Dissection 'Starless Aeon' from Reinkaos and Voivod 'The X-Stream' from Katorz. Both are very substandard for their representative subgenres. Dissections sounds like they're simply going for radio play in Europe. Its barely metal.
lizard said:
I just preordered the Gathering - Home/"G" tee special
Thanatopsis: I had thought there was only one t-shirt til I double checked, the cover art is kinda meh so the "G" shirt was better.

Oh shit, when I saw that the other day no image was coming up so I thought that "G" one was just a messed up entry. The image is working now.

Hmmm... Perhaps I should change my order to that one as well.
The other tracks I've heard from Home so far (Alone & In Between) are better than the one on the compilation. Check out the Sleepytime thread from earlier this week if you're intrigued by them, though they're an acquired taste to say the least.
After a few more listens, that Dissection isn't that bad. If he would have just renamed the band, it wouldn't be such a let down. It isn't even similar right now. Who knows what the rest of the album will sound like.
Did anyone see the news on TER site about a Green Carnation song featuring in a "recently released popular baseball [video] game franchise" called Major League Baseball 2K6? WTF? Seems pretty weird to me. Was their last album rubbish or something?
shittin' chocolate christ. is this what The End signs these days? is this suppose to be "art metal" or something?

Head COntrol System got signed because people like kissing Garm's ass, not to mention his inflated bulbous ego. face it, the dude hasnt released anything noteworthy since Nattens...

Giant Squid. Stupid music by stupid people with a stupid name.

The Agalloch track was good.

The Voivod was terrible.

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. Is this suppose to be music?

I dont hate the Dissection track, but I wont be getting the album. someone snatched Jon's balls while in prison.
i just dont understand some of these signings. then again, this art-fag coffee house type music for teens who are differnt because they are "expressing themselves" isnt for me. never was. so.....

The End, au revior. or whatever.
J. said:
Head COntrol System got signed because people like kissing Garm's ass, not to mention his inflated bulbous ego. face it, the dude hasnt released anything noteworthy since Nattens...

I'm inclined to believe that.
I do so love a good UM ranting :lol:

and dare we mention that the End knows a profit margin when it sees one, not that there's anything inherently wrong with that...on the other hand, I just got this email from them last night:


The following 1 piece(s) have been sent by THE END RECORDS of THE END RECORDS via DHL Express on April 17, 2006 using Waybill 5665726824196.

If you wish to track this (these) shipment(s) please contact your local DHL customer service office or visit the DHL Web Site at http://www.dhl-usa.com/


:erk: :Smug: :erk: :ill: :mad: :rolleyes: :erk:

now I have to admit gugs warned us but I have NEVER, EVER had the End go DHL on me before