Updated Trade/Want List...


Division Guitarist
Feb 11, 2002
Woodbridge, VA
For trade:

Black Symphony - S/T, limited black jewel case edition
Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the Beast
Deathrow - Life Beyond (Bootleg? It's on West Virigina Records...)
*Death Machine - S/T (UPC Punch)
Disillusion - Back to Times of Splendor (UPC punch)
Dog Faced Gods - Random Chaos Theory In Action (digi)
Fear Factory - Obselete
Hyperion - Where the Stone Is Unscarred
Korum - Son of the Breed
Judas Priest - Unleashed In the East (original)
Lacrimosa - Echoes
McGill, Manring, Stephens - Controlled By Radar
Malestrom - Whirling Dementia
Rough Silk - Mephisto
Scariot - Strange to Numbers
Susperia - Unlimited
Textures - Polars (UPC punch)
Theory In Practice - The Armageddon Theories


Many, and varied - power, doom, melodeth, tech, whatever, except I'm not much of a black fan. Send lists. Some examples:

Spawn of Possession - Cabinet
Rosicrucian - No Cause fo Celebration
Communic - Conspriricy in Mind
Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefication and Epitaph
Dragonforce - Sonic Firestorm
Candlemass - Nightfall, new one.
Extol - Blueprint
Scar Symmetry - Symmetric In Design
Morgana Lefay - Knowing Just as I, The Secret Doctrine, Maleficium
Sybreed - Slave Design
Trivium - Ascendancy
Diablo - Eternium
Blinded Colony - Divine
Kamelot - The Black Halo
Queensryche - Mindcrime and Warning remasters only
Manticora - Hyperion