

I was online at 1:00am EST this morning and had the same experience as you. Our hosting company in the UK is http://www.interworks-online.com/network.htm Their reliability factor usually is very high. Thanks for checking up on the UM/Nt message board server configuration. The UM server migration appears to be complete.

Hey Tedster,

Thanks for your post. It's an honor to have you on board. The short answer is soon and yes. I don't want to set an expectation and have it not be met. There are all kinds of things out of the artists control. If it was up to me alone, I'd put the album out tomorrow. But thats just me. We are on schedule to have the album mastered this week. Mark Nathanson and I put a long day in today (Sunday) among many at Jet City Studios in preparation. The artwork is ready to go once we've finalized the mastering and amended the credits, we should be ready to go to pressing.

As far as a tour goes, there will be selected shows to support the album at first. Then we'll take it from there. I've kept my chops up by sitting in with Mitch Perry, Andy Walo, who have their own bands and a few others. A number of musicians who have cut tracks on my album have expressed interest in playing live with me. The live band will have 2 lead guitarists. Kurt James and Vernon Anderson have spoken with me about this. There will be a live band. You can count on it! I'll leave it at that.

Stay Strong!

I've spoken with Greg Walls in the last year. Paul Crook got in touch with me after reading my Sludge 20Q's. Nice guy and tremendous guitar player. Greg D'Angelo came to one of my gigs back in the 80's. I ran into Charlie and Frankie at the Hilton Bar at NAMM in the mid 90's, Frankie and I rapped for a few. They were friendly.

Metal On,
Hey Neil,
Thanks for checking in with the fans here! I am looking forward to the album coming out. Do you have a rough timeframe you can tell us, like maybe what month you are shooting for?
Doctor X said:
Hey Neil,
Thanks for checking in with the fans here! I am looking forward to the album coming out. Do you have a rough timeframe you can tell us, like maybe what month you are shooting for?

What's up Doc,

Just got back from singing with Andy Walo tonight in LA. Mastering this week. Glass master will be ready this week for manufacturing. The package is also being finalized this week so it can be submitted in "camera ready" form in conjunction with the master. Within 30 days is the expectation around here, but could be April due to the unforeseen shit happens. Thanks for asking.

Alright, got a handle on Dreamweaver, thanks to Fluxform. http://www.neilturbin.com/news.html More updates are on the way!
