upgrade time! opinions needed on some gear


Aug 12, 2003
K, so I got a budget of about 1,000 bucks with which to get a couple cables, a tubecreamer, monitors, and a decent preamp. Bearing in mind I get the employee discount at guitar center, a ts808 and cables should only run about 150 total.

One of the dudes I worked with recommended for monitors the krk v4's- he said in price range they were the best bet.

As far as a preamp I'm undecided as whether to get one slightly nicer one like a eureka, or get the 8 channel a/dat strip. For the 8 channel strip he recommended I go with the digimax lt.

Do you guys have opinions on these three items? With the discount it would be only slightly above my budget, and I've been needing to upgrade for the longest... Anything you think would fit the bill better?
I've not heard the V4's. I've been very happy w/ my digimax LT, but I do wonder about an a/d that hasn't been improved since it's introduction in 2002. Not that I've had problems, just that I'm surprised they haven't done a new version yet.
Anyway, I used the digimax lt on all of the guitars and vocals on our latest record "Dismantling Devotion" which you can hear samples of here:
I've not heard the V4's. I've been very happy w/ my digimax LT, but I do wonder about an a/d that hasn't been improved since it's introduction in 2002. Not that I've had problems, just that I'm surprised they haven't done a new version yet.
Anyway, I used the digimax lt on all of the guitars and vocals on our latest record "Dismantling Devotion" which you can hear samples of here:

Dude, the toms on Dismanteling are just PUNISHING! how did you do those?!
I've not heard the V4's. I've been very happy w/ my digimax LT, but I do wonder about an a/d that hasn't been improved since it's introduction in 2002. Not that I've had problems, just that I'm surprised they haven't done a new version yet.
Anyway, I used the digimax lt on all of the guitars and vocals on our latest record "Dismantling Devotion" which you can hear samples of here:

Since we're talking mic's already - what'd you use on vocals? :lol: