Upload your Anthrax Vids...any of them.


New Metal Member
Jun 12, 2006
Here is my call to all you that have Anthrax video to share witht he masses.
There don't seem to be many places to download Anthrax video's or live footage so lets take care of that.
I found a site that is really easy to use. (this is not a commercial)
Check it out. For those of us that have PSP or Video iPod once the video is uploaded it does the proper conversion for you to download.
I have found a tons of great footage on UTube, but you can't download from them.
I am going to get what I have up in the next few days. I already started on Google.video, but I really like Guba more so I will get them uploaded there also.
Live, music video's, interviews, what ever you have.
I'll post with a link when I get started.
And if anyone has Supergroup episodes and re-caps to put up, please do.
Yeah, because we wouldn't want to worry about copyright infringement or the denial of royalites and all that an possibly have the forums pulled because some dumbass thought it would be cool to disrespect the band or what-not.

I'm sure I'll hear, "They have them posted on You-Tube!" and any other childish comeback, but I'm going to suggest that you watch your vids that you have and keep them to yourself.
Wow thanks for that amazing welcome to the board.
If everyone feels this way then please disregard my post.
I just thought it would be a great way to get these out.
because some dumbass thought it would be cool to disrespect the band or what-not

No disrespect will ever be made by me to the band.
Hey Scorp.
I just checked in with someone about as high up as you can go with Anthrax and was ok'd to put these up on the sight. If they are cool with it, what is your deal?
Maybe not the VH-1 stuff, for that I retract, but for Anthrax footage and interviews please post. There is a lot of great stuff out there on sights that don't allow downloading. It eats up bandwith streaming, so why not download and have for your collection.
I would never try to take any $$ out of their pockets. I do my damnest to promote and push the band to add $$ to their pockets. They are my favorite band and I do anything I can to assist them.
Scorpion6 said:
Yeah, because we wouldn't want to worry about copyright infringement or the denial of royalites and all that an possibly have the forums pulled because some dumbass thought it would be cool to disrespect the band or what-not.

I'm sure I'll hear, "They have them posted on You-Tube!" and any other childish comeback, but I'm going to suggest that you watch your vids that you have and keep them to yourself.

nobody in Anthrax or Anthrax's label has any power whatsoever over the internet, so whether or not this thread exists is so irrelevant it's not even funny, because everything is out there for free regardless, and places like YouTube would remove stuff that infringes DVD copyrights (so nobody can rip Music of Mass Destruction and upload it to YouTube without it being removed soon after and probably have their account banned, for example), so it does no good making a huff about it kind sir

post away any videos

welcome to the board Sethrax
Sethrax said:
Hey Scorp.
I just checked in with someone about as high up as you can go with Anthrax and was ok'd to put these up on the sight. If they are cool with it, what is your deal?
Maybe not the VH-1 stuff, for that I retract, but for Anthrax footage and interviews please post. There is a lot of great stuff out there on sights that don't allow downloading. It eats up bandwith streaming, so why not download and have for your collection.
I would never try to take any $$ out of their pockets. I do my damnest to promote and push the band to add $$ to their pockets. They are my favorite band and I do anything I can to assist them.

If you have the go-ahead, I have no issue with it. I just have issues with people ripping vids and images and such without the permission or at least the knowledge of the owner. I'm a fan and I love watching the vids and such, but I will not endanger my presence nor will I disrespect them in their own house. Like I said, as long as someone has knowledge and no one gets their feelings hurt or we don't get shut down, go for it.

I think that you guys can understand/respect that.
Scorpion6 said:
If you have the go-ahead, I have no issue with it. I just have issues with people ripping vids and images and such without the permission or at least the knowledge of the owner. I'm a fan and I love watching the vids and such, but I will not endanger my presence nor will I disrespect them in their own house. Like I said, as long as someone has knowledge and no one gets their feelings hurt or we don't get shut down, go for it.

I think that you guys can understand/respect that.

And who might who be, oh vague and powerful one?

Just in case you didn't want to read the whole four post thread...

Checked and verified


Hey Scorp.
I just checked in with someone about as high up as you can go with Anthrax and was ok'd to put these up on the sight. If they are cool with it, what is your deal?
Maybe not the VH-1 stuff, for that I retract, but for Anthrax footage and interviews please post. There is a lot of great stuff out there on sights that don't allow downloading. It eats up bandwith streaming, so why not download and have for your collection.
I would never try to take any $$ out of their pockets. I do my damnest to promote and push the band to add $$ to their pockets. They are my favorite band and I do anything I can to assist them.

That's what I was referencing. :rolleyes:
Scorpion6 said:
Yeah, because we wouldn't want to worry about copyright infringement or the denial of royalites and all that an possibly have the forums pulled because some dumbass thought it would be cool to disrespect the band or what-not.

I'm sure I'll hear, "They have them posted on You-Tube!" and any other childish comeback, but I'm going to suggest that you watch your vids that you have and keep them to yourself.

They have them posted on You-Tube!
I got some vids up in the last few days. Just head over to Guba.com and do a search for Anthrax. Better yet, use the menu on the side and go in to Music and then Metal.
More coming today.:headbang: