Urban Breed and Shaye are not the ONLY one's that just got engaged!


oh noes!!
Jan 23, 2002
Columbia, SC, USA
My best friend (and PP forum resident) trentdk just got engaged to his g/f today! I would post pictures but I will refrain and let him do it if he wants. Congrats bro!

And to make this musically related in some other sort of fashion...this new Vader EP rules.

Edit: i lied...heres some pics...


lady_space said:
Congrats! If you need any wedding advice, here you are: GO TO VEGAS!!! (Seriously.) :D
Listen to the lady! Since I've been planning my own wedding for the past couple of months, I have discovered that if you want to go the chapel way, you can get a fancy-shmancy all-inclusive package (minister, DVD, pictures, ceremony, witness, bouquet, boutonniere, etc...) for about $200. Woo! Elvis at the drive-thru will run you anywhere between $25 and $40.

We are getting married in a bar, by the way.
Honey, be prepared to spend a minimum of $5,000, and probably way more than that. It's amazing how fast the money goes, even when you're trying to do a lot of it yourself and keep it small. Whatever you do, don't let planning the wedding mess up the important thing... your relationship.

(If y'all really need any help, please feel free to send me an e-mail (Justin has it), and I can also suggest www.theknot.com... I think they even have Charleston-specific info, but the things they list seem to be a bit on the pricey side.)
Congrats to both trentdk & his finace and lady space & Urban Breed! Now if you guys could just wait to have your weddings at PPVII...maybe Evergrey could play the wedding march for you! :loco:
zimbee said:
Listen to the lady! Since I've been planning my own wedding for the past couple of months, I have discovered that if you want to go the chapel way, you can get a fancy-shmancy all-inclusive package (minister, DVD, pictures, ceremony, witness, bouquet, boutonniere, etc...) for about $200. Woo! Elvis at the drive-thru will run you anywhere between $25 and $40.

... and you don't even have to pay for travel. :)