Urban breed joins DARK EMPIRE!


Feb 21, 2008
Ankh Morpork
Yeah, after Bloodbound parted ways with Urban, here's a "new" band where he will do the vocals!

As some of you mentioned Jens Carlsson when Pyramaze were looking for a new singer, I guess some of you might know Dark Empire already?! Well, I did not know them until today, but I'm changing this right now.

And I really dig what I hear thus far! Reminds me even a bit of Bloodbound in terms of heaviness and melody. But maybe I should mention Mercenary to give you a hint of what kind of metal to expect. There is a bit growling as well in the vocals, will be interesting to see if they keep it.

So, now I got some more stuff that I'd like to hear with Urban! :)

But no matter what, a sample of a Pyramaze-song with Urban on vocals will still be what I wait for the most!

Congrats Urban. Kick some ass!

My sig says it all. :lol:

Heres a rundown imo of the first 2 albums.

album 1.
Epic prog power with growls based on HP Lovecraft, Silent Hill and the Crusades.

album 2.
Epic prog thrash with a little power metal but mostly situational awareness of the world, religion, economic downfall, war.
Adds a little industrial ambiance

The Apparition Sequence is a 4 song saga all returning to the same key or rhythm.
1st is an instrumental surmising the next 3 song rhythms
2nd. heavy as hell lots of growling
3rd. Epic possesion
4th. Tragic love story made right.

This band got me into Persuader and Savage Circus.
Good for all those involved especially Urban...thanks to him I will now have some interest in DE.

Yet, my main and only concern is with Pyramaze...I hope this does not interrupt / delay anything from Pyramaze?
This is great fucking news! I got turned on to Dark Empire with their Northern Sky EP, and subsequently bought Distant Tides and Humanity Dethroned. I was a bit bummed out when I heard that Jens had left the band, but Urban will be a wicked replacement. The more Urban the better since we can't hear him with Bloodbound or Tad Morose anymore

(Speaking of T.M. anyone else see that Ronny Hemlin from Steel Attack is their new singer? I stopped following the band after Urban left and checked the site a while back and saw in the news that Ronny had joined. I can not wait for their next album)
Muz, I don't think this will have a negative effect on his work with Pyramaze... As far as I know Urban, he knows what he does and he would not join another band when he would have no time at all for it. Jonah also has several bands and projects he's focusing on and I guess it's not affecting Pyramaze in any way. However, only my thoughts though...

Well, I don't know what to expect of Tad Morose. I really love the albums with Urban and it will be a tough task for any new singer to replace him. I just know a few songs of Steel Attack, those I recall being average power metal that did not grab me. I surely will give the new Tad Morose a try though.

But I'm far more interested in Trail Of Murder, to me the real deal when I think of Tad Morose. Urban is doing the vocals and Daniel Olsson, ex-guitarist of TM, is also part of this band. So, I think Krunt is the only songwriting member of the "old" Tad Morose, right?

Be that as it may, sooner or later we will get all our questions answered... we only have to be patient... yet again...
Urban will slay on any metal album he sings on.

Not the slightest doubt about that!

Thanks for the videos, I checked them out! I have to admit that the music is better than I thought, especially the first one, For Whom I Bleed, is a great song indeed! I like that riff and the atmosphere of the song.

But I'm afraid that I have the same problem with Ronny that I have with many singers, Ripper comes to my mind at the moment: They sing quite good and I can listen to the songs without feeling annoyed, but they simply don't grab me... It's far from being bad, but somehow it's not like that I'm convinced to go out and buy an album...

It's all a matter of taste I guess...
(Speaking of T.M. anyone else see that Ronny Hemlin from Steel Attack is their new singer? I stopped following the band after Urban left and checked the site a while back and saw in the news that Ronny had joined. I can not wait for their next album)

Yup, saw this awhile back and very excited to hear Ronnie is with TM... though I liked Steel Attack just as well. Just seems like things always take forever with TM?..oh well. Atleast we have even more now to look forward to.
I waited until today before I called. So shoot me. :D In any case there's no need to worry. Finances seem to be in order, recording facilities available and songs are in the making. We'll have an album out eventually. :)

Awesome... Thanks for the update !...
Thats great! I remember the guy that started Dark Empire from back in the day on the Guardian forums. I still spin their EP sometimes, really good music! And (not sucking up because Mr. Breed appears to read this) Urban Breed has some of the best/most unique vocals in the biz! This should rock!
So I guess the question now is...Urban will be heard first singing with Pyramaze or with Dark Empire???

Hehe, difficult question I guess... Both albums probably will be released some time in 2011.

According to Dark Empire's myspace-page there will be some sample of the things to come available soon... whenever "soon" will be, maybe Jonah knows. :lol: So I guess Dark Empire have already recorded some demos for the new album, that will be called "From Refuge To Ruin" by the way.

As we've still got no news about the status update of Pyramaze I'd say Dark Empire's album will be released earlier.

However, I'm (im)patiently waiting for both albums - definitely my highlights of 2011. :)