URGENT: Reaper Midi Import


Oct 26, 2009
I have a band that emailed me a midi track for drums. They're on their way..

I imported it into reaper, but the midi does not match up with the grid, and the tempo was not attached..

So is there a way to change the tempo without the midi notes actually moving so I can find out what the tempo was and have the grid match up with the midi notes instead of going in and trying to quantize everything? Please help haha.
If the tempo was not attached to the MIDI then you are screwed because it'll just automatically match whatever tempo is in your project...

Make sure when you are importing the MIDI item that you are going Insert>Media Item and then choose the MIDI file. You should get a popup like this...

The second checkbox needs to be ticked to import the tempo info.
I figured it out. I had to go Item--->Source properties---->Ignore Project tempo!!!