US power metal


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
I've heard most of the essential stuff like Liege Lord, Jag Panzer, Riot, Helstar, Omen, Manilla Road.

I'm interested in some other stuff that's not as well known as that stuff.
Have you heard Virgin Steele?


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I always see you mention them.

They are good, but it's not similar to the stuff that I'm looking for.
Slough Feg
Brocas Helm

Virgin Steele should be what everyone is looking for. Amazing band.
I've heard Manowar and Brocas Helm.

I have yet to listen to Slough Feg. I do see them mentioned quite a bit.
both of the griffin albums and the 2nd savage grace are must haves as well

here's some obscure stuff that might tickle your fancy

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here's a couple of canadian bands that deserve to be mentioned cause they play the exact style that you're looking for

oops, forgot to mention chastain(usa)

some more

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I have yet to listen to Slough Feg. I do see them mentioned quite a bit.

Folk-power more than US-power, but still excellent

(their best known, after Brutal Legend)


(my personal favorite)

(a very cool Legend cover)
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Just remembered these guys. They're actually English, but they possess many characteristics of the US scene:

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Well, you could check out:
Vicious Rumors
Virgin Steele
Seven Witches
Steel Prophet
Beyond Fear
Metal Church
Apocalypse Rising
Dark Empire
Manilla Road
Hammers of Misfortune
Brocas Fear