US Tour....


May 31, 2005
If the Maidens sent out flyers and hyped it on the web site, they could pull off a very impressive tour and perhaps line their pocketbooks a bit. In the Midwest and East Coast, people will shell out $25 to see a 2nd rate shitty band do Maiden tunes, you girls would bring the house down. Pop's in Sauget IL (St. Louis-MO area) would be perfect. Chicago, Fort Wayne, Columbia, Columbus, Norfolk, Birmihgham, Charleston, Wash D.C., Pittsburg, the list goes on of towns that would come out for a Maidens' show. Is it even a possiblity? Or are you happy staying on the West Coast (don't blame ya a bit, I miss it!) ?

I think you could pull off with this tour w/o an openner traveling with you. Just let the locals warm up the crowd. If you did want some kick ass road comrades...
Suggestion for tour-mates: Empyre or OC/DC