US Tour

i heard from a supposed "inside source" that in july Angel Dust play in support of Iced Earth... specifically in L'Mours in Brooklyn NYC. Personally I dont see this happening since Iced Earth just played NYC (anyone from here goto the show at The World?) and i dont see them coming back, so if anyone could clear this up itd be of great help becasue as much as i want to see AngeDsut live id like to catch this "inside source" in a lie too. lol :p. thanks for your help anyone
well I know that Iced Earth is doing another U.S tour in the fall,but I dought angel dust will support...I would have heard just a little bit of a rumour by would be cool was Iced Earth? I will see them on the 29th...can't wait:D
tthanks for your reply. i didnt think that was true either, as nice as that would be.... just want to see if this person is bullshittin me or not you know?
iced earth was excellent.... they really did a good set. they did alot from horror show and dark saga. only dissapointment was they didnt do "stormrider". maybe at your show. also jag panzer and in flames did really excellent sets too so show up early. thanks again.
bummer they did'nt play stormrider....the problem with having a lot of albums is the fact many songs get left off because you can only play so many songs........I would love to have seen them in europe...not sure if you know but they played 3 hour sets over there..... I think they broke the set into the three different eras for Iced earth...... some of my favorite songs won't be played off of burnt dantes infernoand burning oasis...but maybe next time..... take care..........:cool: :D
well i know they cant do everything, but stormriders one of my favorites. hehe.. im sure they do more in eurpe having much bigger vanues and fanbases.... wish i was in europe sometimes for the good metal acts... most new american metal bands just dont seem to be cutting it. although i saw Speedealer opening for Motorhead just this week and was pretty impressed by them..... see you around :p