US Visa fee increases to "cripple the small touring industry"


franks n steins
Nov 6, 2013
Make your voices heard, because according to Glenn these proposed US Visa fee increases this will put tours small artists out of business.
"This is for all international artists. It will cripple the small touring industry that can barely afford them now. Please make your voice heard via the link contained in the article."

CALL TO ACTION: Oppose Massive Fee Increases for P & O Visas

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Fee Schedule and Changes to Certain Other Immigration Benefit Request Requirements
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Terrible at a time when touring already seems barely viable. Then there's the ticket companies that came up with the system of automatically inflating ticket prices for mainstream artists to eye-watering levels.
I've seen so many articles lately where one artist or another is talking about how it isn't financially viable to tour because of all the rising costs. This is just another thing piled onto the mess I'd say. It's sad but not unexpected.