Use of and Alternatives to Sansamp for bass?


Mar 27, 2006
Many producers who get bass tones I like seem to use the Sansamp in the equation. I dont want to buy a Sansamp just to try if it works for me.

What is it usually used for? Mainly for blending in a HP'd and LP'd (only taking the mids) version of the bass track I guess?

Are there any VST plugins that can get me close to the Sansamp?
What about the Hartke pedal reviewed earlier here? I think they are very similar, and the hartke is about 100 euros. And I think there even was a vst plugin modeled after the bass driver, or was that only for the PSA?
Gonna do a slight thread hijack here and ask - what plugin/pedal would be suitable for a bass tone similar to Swallow the Sun's "Hope?" Definitely one of the best bass tones I've heard (listen to the beginning of "The Justice of Sufferring" for a good example)
I'm also going to kinda hiJack this thread. I was thinking about making another thread for this but i will just put it here....How Would I Reamp with the BDDI...I think that's what I want to ask? Basically i want DI the bass> Duplicate the track>Leave the lowend as clean as possible and then the Mid and highend part i want to run it through my BDDI later in the mix , to have full control...anybody else do this?....thanks
Just re-amp it like you would a guitar track dude - DI signal --> re-amp box --> BDDI --> interface!
I don't know if it's been mentioned or not but you might want to try iZotope Trash. I am not a very big fan of iZotope products but Trash is fairly good and has lots (too many, maybe) of parameters to tweak. I love SansAmp in my PT rig more than Trash for the simple reason that, just by looking at the interface while hearing the sounds, you know you've got something there :) - but Trash has the ability to give your "fake" bass amp track something to open up that "dialogue" with the guitars that you might be looking for.
