useless thread


Oct 28, 2001
I'm so fucking pissed off!!!! sorry about the space wasting thread but I had to tell somebody, well you won't understand what it says but I got this email a moment ago...

que onda, sabes en, tus manos esta puesta mi
calificacion de todo el semestre y sobre todo que no
recurse una materia asi que de favor, no seas
gandalla, pasame la los programas aun que sea por mail
ok pleace. bye diabolico

the thread'll die stupid anyway
well thanatos, why is that so bad???? you have two choices...

and well it's the Greek lady asking for a translation now?? heh!

sorry guys I'm not in the mood...
que onda, sabes en, tus manos esta puesta mi
calificacion de todo el semestre y sobre todo que no
recurse una materia asi que de favor, no seas
gandalla, pasame la los programas aun que sea por mail
ok pleace. bye diabolico

"what's up? you know? my whole semester grade is in your hands now so please don't be cruel and send me the programs, at least by email ok? please, bye diabolic.

it's from an asshole in my uni, he asked me for help with some programs he had to make and I told him I was going to explain him how to do his own work, and now he wants me to make HIS homework so he can get a good grade for the semester...I'm not doing it so I'll be the bad guy once again...I'm always the bad guy anyway, fuck him and his programs :mad:
Thanatos, you are right not wanting to do HIS homework. First of all, you don't owe him anything, and then if he doesn't do it on his own he will never learn.
It would be ok to help him find his way though, but if he' not willing to do that then fuck him!
Enough said :)
Thanatos@ well since it doesn't have to do with a friend of yours but a random guy (hehe i'd like to say asshole or fucker but hehe *trying to be polite* ) i think you can play the bad guy without feeling guilty :devil:

Melon@???????? here you get a hug :)
Yeah, I don't have a problem with playing the bad guy role, but the other problem is that I was going to help him today but instead I went out with a girl but there are other guys at uni who can explain the stuff to it my fault or what? people shouldn't rely on others for their own things though.
Originally posted by Thanatos
que onda, sabes en, tus manos esta puesta mi
calificacion de todo el semestre y sobre todo que no
recurse una materia asi que de favor, no seas
gandalla, pasame la los programas aun que sea por mail
ok pleace. bye diabolico

"what's up? you know? my whole semester grade is in your hands now so please don't be cruel and send me the programs, at least by email ok? please, bye diabolic.

it's from an asshole in my uni, he asked me for help with some programs he had to make and I told him I was going to explain him how to do his own work, and now he wants me to make HIS homework so he can get a good grade for the semester...I'm not doing it so I'll be the bad guy once again...I'm always the bad guy anyway, fuck him and his programs :mad:

when i made my programmer grade we had a girl in "class" who was exactly the same way. i fear she will even get the certificate, although she knows really nothing about programming at all. a friend of her did all the work, she only wrote the documentation. how can people just think they will get through life with this attitude? don't do it thanatos, you're not the one to blame.
@thanatos: well, it all depends on your views of bad guy/good guy. if you think it belongs to bad guys not to help self-centered assholes in need, maybe you ought to lend him a hand anyway.
just don't let other ppl's opinions get in the way of your morals. :devil: :saint:

I _had_ made a post last night saying sorry to PapiVic and that I didn't mean to make him sad, but it's gone :bah: :cry:

Edit: I also said to Thanatos, that maybe he shouldn't have broken his promise, but if the guy's attitude is like that, well....
Anyway, i think it would be good to help him find his own way, to teach him how to do it on his own _if_ he's willing to do that.
Thanatos: Don't help him. The guy has to learn how to do stuff himself or he will fail miserably when he gets hired on a job. It is also a waste of your own time which can be spent getting your own homework done. It is one thing to help someone and another to do their work for them. You don't owe him anything.

I remember in my high school there was this one girl like that. Everyone hated her since she bothered us to give her our notes so she could copy them. I once helped her and she didn't thank me. I learned after that. I even told her I was failing a subject (which I really wasn't), to get her off my case. I had this plan to give her some fake, incorrect notes to get the message through that copying others notes doesn't work out. I occassionally wish I had done that to show her a lesson... I'm so sadistic. hehehe.... I am truly the bad person here. :lol:

Originally posted by VultureCulture

when i made my programmer grade we had a girl in "class" who was exactly the same way. i fear she will even get the certificate, although she knows really nothing about programming at all. a friend of her did all the work, she only wrote the documentation. how can people just think they will get through life with this attitude? don't do it thanatos, you're not the one to blame.

They don't get through life very well. The smuck will probably be hired by some company to do their programming. She will later not know how to do it, or worse, crash the system by doing something horribly wrong. This means she will get fired and no one will hire her after that. It works out in the end. :D
This is probably somewhat off-topic, but here's about the subject of helping others in school and/or life in general:

I'm a lazy ass with a bad memory - I usually have sh*tloads of undone work (half of which have passed the deadlines months ago), but I just can't force myself to do them early enough. That's when I need the help of others. It is not that I couldn't do my own work, if I really wanted - I actually find most of my studies very easy - I'm just too lazy to do them. I accept help from anyone who offers it and I constantly seek volunteers to do some of my work with me - after all, I consider that as teamwork and as such a part of social skills everyone should learn in their lives.

However, I'm also always ready to help anyone from my school with their work. I have spent several nights with some previously unknown people writing their essays or talking with them about their studies. That's a great way to get to know people and I have even made some friends that way.

So, things aren't always that simple, Thanatos and others - think about it yourself and consider it from your point of view: If you enjoy helping others, go for it; but if you don't, forget about it.

ok villain.....somehow you are right (and I'm similar to you) but still there are a lot of ppl that want to help ppl who deserve it, not ppl who are abusing of others' work!

I had (say had 'cause now I changed from my uni finally :D ) some friends with who I shared notes...we were lazy bastards and so each day one took notes....that's great you help and you get help! but if I see a guy that ALWAYS tries to get my notes when he's in the bar all day, I would say, Ok, I'll go bowling, now you take notes...if he agrees, then I would go on lending my notes, if not....hell with him!

fathervic (loving bowling)
if he was a friend id tell ya to help him but if hes just some guy that wants you to do it for him, fuck him, hes too lazy to do his own work and he hasnt benefited you in anyway way shape or form, tell him to go to hell and fail, after he does that tell him rip off his arms and beat himself with em

Final_Vision: Feeling strangely bitter :lol: