useless thread

Hmm... now that I think about it, it is okay... no great... to help friends to do stuff... I always helped my friends and the people who were nice to me when I was in high school...

I wouldn't help and still won't help the people who ignored me except when they wanted to copy my homework... I worded my previous entry wrong; the person wanted to see my homework along with the notes to "compare" them to her own.

It doesn't seem like that guy is nice, so don't help him...
Thanks for your feedback everybody, the guy's mad at me cause I didn't sent him a thing, that's his problem and I think it's actually good for him, he can't go through university knowing nothing and expect to get a job when he graduates.

Don't place your fate (or grades) on the hands of others, but I think you already know that.

Hehe and I thought I had a good reason to be mad yesterday, just wait till you read what happened today...that is if I decide to write about it and no, I'm not a crybaby.
@mousewings: it seems you actually find very easy to work out whether the ones asking for help are deserving or undeserving of getting it. and your code of morals to punish the undeserving is certainly quite strict.
however, i often find myself in doubt when it comes to divide ppl into 'those who are my friends' and 'those who are lazy buggers leeching at my knowledge', because i see quite some shades of grey in the inbetween.

@villain: that's what i often do, too. it sorta pays off in the long run. ;)

@thanatos: we can't wait to know the latest entries! :hotjump:

Yes- Almost everyone is going for not helping him.
I wouldn´t give a f**k about colleague like this. He´s just sucking a parasite. Unfortunately I´ve been meeting people of this kind through my whole life. Discovering that person you once dared to think to be something like friend has turned into this, often brings me to my knees.

As Rahvin said recognition of who´s been our friend is sometimes somehow beyond our abilities. There is a grey between black and white.:confused: :)