Using bulb's Axe Fx preset without an Axe Fx..

Flow Of Time

Oct 6, 2012
Nice job! I think it sounds better in the mix than on its own... but that's definitely the right way round.

I think someone commented about Match EQing it on Nolly Youtube video of him demoing them.. but he said something about it not being possible.. as he mixed a fair bit of the room in there as well from the camera mic, so it's good that you've got this close.

I think someone should post a direct recording of them using the presets with the Axe Fx so we can all match eq them :lol:
I think someone should post a direct recording of them using the presets with the Axe Fx so we can all match eq them

That's exactly what I did. I asked someone to reamp a DI of my guitar through the presets.
Here's the thread:
You can of course try to match it with my DI and aeonix' reamp but it would be better to reamp a DI of your guitar.
Before matching I downloaded Axe Edit, opened the preset and tried to clone it with free vsts. After reamping I suggest to cut out some of the lows, they're way to boomy.
That's exactly what I did. I asked someone to reamp a DI of my guitar through the presets.

Ah that's awesome! Just what I needed :D Yeah it would definitely be better to do it with my own DI's, but cheers!