Using PT LE8 live


Sep 8, 2010
Knoxville, TN
So this weekend we used PT live with guitars and samples through the interface but I think someone accidentally clicked some automation and caused everything to mute on the mains (or something happened on the board. has anyone heard of a board cutting on and off?)

So is there some way to protect automation from being drawn on the tracks?

Also, what other potential problems should I be anticipating for the next show?
Bounce your tracks so there are no plug ins and no automation.
Our backing runs on pt 9 out of 2 tracks. Simplicity is the key.
Yeah I should prob print as much as possible

I still want to run through podfarm and revalver live just so that I can use all of the effects that they have as lame as that sounds. Plus it makes the live sound as good as the cd n stuff. If there is any way to line into 003 and then output into my dual rec/other guitarist's 5150 I may do that but wouldn't there be an impedance mismatch or do i have to use some kind of DI or something?

Thanks so far guys
You'll need some kind of reamp box or run the signal out at -30dBfs to not distort the input I'd expect. I'm interest to hear how you go with this, would love to try a small rack setup with interface, MacBook and in-ears. Still don't feel I can trust PT with that even that much haha