Using Waves' Kramer Master Tape to help Superior Drummer sit in the mix


New Metal Member
Jan 5, 2012

I have been blown away with the Waves' Kramer Master Tape's ability to make Superior Drummer sound more natural and make a mix breathe a bit more naturally.

Last night I grabbed the Feared Rejects stems and drum MIDI and make some samples and a video showing how much of a difference it can make. If you've been considering this plugin or a similar plugin I highly recommend it. I've also posted the presets I used in the video to download on my blog. Enjoy!

Use Waves Kramer Master Tape to make your mixes sound professional | Project K2R4
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This is actually pretty awesome. I produce my own music and bought Superior Drummer instead of hiring a drummer for a lot of reasons and I find it easy to make the guitars and vocals sound more analog and low quality, but I never got the drums quite right. This just might do it.