If one lived in a generally utilitarian society, where the happiness (in the broadest sense) of each and every was to be accorded the same value by all, (within the constraints imposed by the ability to know such within a time of maximal beneft) is there not a relatively complete loss of responsibility for ones own specific happiness? 'Virtue' would consist in some sense of learning to enjoy the same satisfactions as others. One could choose to live a life without virtue, and the responsibility for ones happiness falls on the rest of society. So we seem to have both an encouragement of herd and victim mentality - in striking contrast to existentialism when I look at it this way, thus little wonder I guess why I felt it so wrong without understanding why for quite some time...
Does anyone have or has anyone read similar response to utilitarianism, or any defence from such response?
Does anyone have or has anyone read similar response to utilitarianism, or any defence from such response?