the art of happiness

MoonsOfJupiter said:
I think there needs to be a balance between happiness and unhappiness. Like, if one was happy all the time how would he or she know what's good and what's shit? "Oh wow, swallowing broken glass, that's great"! Not that being a miserable bastard all the time is good either. I guess I'm all about the yin and yang. Or maybe I'm blabbering on because I'm suffering from a lack of sleep and I also worked at my day job, then I went right to the music store by my house to teach guitar lessons...I was supposed to have six students, but only three showed up so I spent all the extra time learning "Dee" by Randy Rhoads...then I went to a rehearsal and I just got home a little while ago and I had a bowl of Cheerios for supper...they were stale and I wasn't happy about that.

i think you might be onto something there, stay with us on that mate