Still can't believe people actually listen to that shit.
what shit ?
^ might i add noob gheys0rz like this are fags. maybe some of these bands are dumb, but if you really get into the good stuff, like techinical death metal (nile, cryptopsy, necrophagist), you really see how hard they work. espeically necrophagist, the frontman muhamed suicmez plays those crazy technical riffs i can barely keep along with, while singing awesome vocals, on top of that hes soloing like a fucking madman, doing really melodic sweeps n shit. take a listen to "Fermented Offal Discharge" to hear da 00berness
God you're a fucking idiot. Do you think I really don't know about Necrophagist? Just yesterday in the "Now Listening" thread I was listening to Symbiotic in Theory. I know about Nile (rather over-rated), Cryptopsy and the whole Montreal metal scene is great, and I listen to quite a bit of technical death metal. I should also mention that Fermented Offal Discharge is THE most over-rated Necrophagist song, and only Muhhamed dickriders are the ones who praise by this song/solo. Listen to another fucking song, jesus.
When the hell did I once mention Marilyn Manson or Slipknot? You're delusional. Quit trying to prove how "metal" you are by telling me that Muhammed can sweep. Like I didn't fucking know.
The fact remains that the band in the orignal post is completely devoid of any originality, and the whole pig-squeeling, "Reeeee reeeee", bullshit vocals are the worst trend in metal today. This band sucks.
If you want to hear what this band was trying to accomplish, but failed miserably at; listen to Psycroptic's "The Scepter of The Ancients" to see how this shit should be done. "Symbols of Failure" is another good example, by them.
what is this fight about ? kellan and emptier
i wasn't talking just about you the whole time. ya thx...i do listen to other songs besides fermented not trying to prove anything captian dickwad. but i do agree this band is pretty gay, its actually pretty sick the song titles they pretty sure they were the ones teabagged at birth.
The fact that I called the original band in this thread completely unoriginal cookie-cutter-gore-metal-band bullshit.
Then he goes and decides to talk to me about quite possibly the three biggest names in technical death like I don't know about them, and suggests that I possibly listen to nu-metal (which is long dead by the way).
The band sucks, and I listen to better shit than that.
Maybe he should tell me to listen to Suffocation as well.