V30 replacement for my HB 2x12 cab


more metal, more booze!!!
right, this has been the bane of my life for years, i'm struggling to nail a decent tone with any of my cabs, i had a marshall 4x12 with V30's was too loud and i was hating that due to noise constraints.

currently running my hb cab with my 6505 on almost 'the norm' settings and it takes me ages to try and even come close to a sweet spot.

I find its giving me really aggressive mids that i just can't control from either mic pos or amp eq, so would love to know any other speaker out there that is a bit smoother but still has the bite, sizzle and attack of the V30s?

here's a raw, quad tracked sample:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/369408/amp tone2.mp3
Little secret that I have learned with my 5150 and v30s. 5150/6505 are pretty harsh in the highs at low volumes and are just mid heavy. Great way to combat said harshness is if you can't crank the amp, then eq out a few db @ 4k. The best way however is to crank the living daylights out of the amp, I am talking like 4-5 on the post gain. The bottom end fattens up and the upper mids become more musical or less harsh.
the recto or zilla was something i'm really considering!! those zilla fatboys really that good sounding?

Well I'm buying a fatboy then just whacking my hb's v30's into it and I know there's a world of difference it's crazy really