vader drop off cannibal corpse tour

Jean-Pierre said:
Goddamn you're annoying.

Kreator and Vader easily decimated every band on The Art Of Noise 2 bill. Amon Amarth was pretty good as well.

cannibal corpse was boring as fuck live.

on the Art of noise 2 tour, Nile was tops in my book, followed by vader, then kreator.
Krigloch the Furious said:
cannibal corpse was boring as fuck live.

on the Art of noise 2 tour, Nile was tops in my book, followed by vader, then kreator.

Woah, no idea why anybody would find Cannibal Corpse live boring...:erk:

I've seen Nile twice, and both times they've completely blown me away...they're bloody amazing live. Vader are top notch also!
Nile bores me–blasty br00thal DM, more annoying than Morbid Angel at their most self-indulgently loud. Bring me the head of Karl Sanders for headlining over Kreator.

Vader's cancellation eliminated any chance of me going to this show, unless there's like a really hot chick on campus who wants to check out some Krazy Satanic Death Metal.
Hope Peter's okay.
On another note, why is it, when someone on this forum wants to take the piss out of a random group of people, (such as "tr00bies") he pretends they all post shit like "LOL ITZ NOVELTY DEATH METUHL!1!1111!!!" ?? I've never seen anyone post like that, so - WTF?11!!??
I think Cannibal Corpse puts on a good show, I'm just terribly sick of their music. Jean, you silly boy, have a sense of humor :loco:
Krigloch the Furious said:
next time they come back they should tour with some good bands.
I saw them with Nile and they fucking ruled.

Where did you see that? That was my first metal show...October 31...
genocide roach said:
unfortunatly that show hasnt changed in 10 years

Well, guess that's true. I'm only fourteen so I've only seen them live once. I'm not really a fan, but they were good live. More importantly, it was an awesome show the Cannibal Corpse w/Hypocrisy, Exhumed, and Vile tour back in March. That was good. Of course I always manage to see these bands live before I know their material, so it's not as good.
Saw Cannibal Corpse with Spawn Of Possession and The Allseeing I last night in Oslo, Norway. One of the best gigs I've ever been to - say what you want about Cannibal Corpse's albums, but they sure as hell deliver a tight and hyper-energetic show. Total brilliance, in an intimate, packed venue (max. capacity is about 400 persons, I think, and it was indeed packed to the maximum). 'twas a slamming, moshing and headbanging galore, and Corpsegrinder grinned like a maniac when everyone at the venue started screaming "Cannibal Corpse, Cannibal Corpse" (x 1000) after several of the songs. I shaked hands with all three of the SOP members and Cannibal Corpse's drummer after the gig. Top notch!

Setlist (not in order of apperance, except the first two and the last two):

Shredded Humans
Punctured Wound Massacre
Unleashing The Bloodthirsty
The Cryptic Stench
Essency Defiled
The Wretched Spawn
They Deserve To Die
Fucked With A Knife
I Will Kill You
Dead Human Collection
Vomit The Soul
Dormant Bodies Bursting
Devoured By Vermin
Seen Through The Eyes Of The Dead
Pit Of Zombies
A Skull Full Of Maggotts
Hammer Smashed Face
Probably one more, can't remember which.
henrikmain said:
Saw Cannibal Corpse with Spawn Of Possession and The Allseeing I last night in Oslo, Norway. One of the best gigs I've ever been to - say what you want about Cannibal Corpse's albums, but they sure as hell deliver a tight and hyper-energetic show. Total brilliance, in an intimate, packed venue (max. capacity is about 400 persons, I think, and it was indeed packed to the maximum). 'twas a slamming, moshing and headbanging galore, and Corpsegrinder grinned like a maniac when everyone at the venue started screaming "Cannibal Corpse, Cannibal Corpse" (x 1000) after several of the songs. I shaked hands with all three of the SOP members and Cannibal Corpse's drummer after the gig. Top notch!

Setlist (not in order of apperance, except the first two and the last two):

Shredded Humans
Punctured Wound Massacre
Unleashing The Bloodthirsty
The Cryptic Stench
Essency Defiled
The Wretched Spawn
They Deserve To Die
Fucked With A Knife
I Will Kill You
Dead Human Collection
Vomit The Soul
Dormant Bodies Bursting
Devoured By Vermin
Seen Through The Eyes Of The Dead
Pit Of Zombies
A Skull Full Of Maggotts
Hammer Smashed Face
Probably one more, can't remember which.
Jesus christ thats a top notch set list...'They Deserve To Die' live is bloody amazing, the groove at the end had me headbanging like fuck when i saw them last time.
Barking Pumpkin said:
Well, guess that's true. I'm only fourteen so I've only seen them live once. I'm not really a fan, but they were good live. More importantly, it was an awesome show the Cannibal Corpse w/Hypocrisy, Exhumed, and Vile tour back in March. That was good. Of course I always manage to see these bands live before I know their material, so it's not as good.
i was there for that one. well, the san fransisco show. exhumed stole the show. dunno if it was because they were playin their home town crowd (vile is also from the bay), but they kicked major ass, and always shred when i see em. blew cannibal corpse right out of the water
Jean-Pierre said:
Are you talking about Art Of Noise 2? If so, you live in Atlanta, and I was at that same show.

Well, I live in SC, but yeah, I was at the show at the Masquerade in Atlanta, I've been there several times over the last year.
Barking Pumpkin said:
Well, I live in SC, but yeah, I was at the show at the Masquerade in Atlanta, I've been there several times over the last year.

Ah, too quick on my part, haha. I noticed that a lot of people always came down from SC or Tennesse to see shows in Atlanta back when I lived there.
lol Exhumed was drunk as FUCK when they played. I think anyone at the Seattle show would agree that Vile was perhaps the best opening band ever. they definitely stole the show that night.