I'm surprised no one's done a thread about this yet. http://darklyrics.com/lyrics/katatonia/danceofdecembersouls.html#7 here are the lyrics of "Tomb of Insomnia", or I should say what's been DECIPHERED so far. I've been able to decipher two additional little snippets of words, but I was wanting to know if anyone has some inside information on what's being whsipered or if you just have a really good ear
now, as for "Endtime"... the same issue... if you look up "Endtime"'s lyrics on darklyrics.com, the guy who submitted them makes no reference to the incredibly vague singing that comes between "And surrounded me with sleep" and "They lost the Earth in fire". it sounds like they say the same thing a few times over, and I think I've deciphered the second half of it to be "cause we/they wish to sleep" but have NO clue what the first half is saying at all.

now, as for "Endtime"... the same issue... if you look up "Endtime"'s lyrics on darklyrics.com, the guy who submitted them makes no reference to the incredibly vague singing that comes between "And surrounded me with sleep" and "They lost the Earth in fire". it sounds like they say the same thing a few times over, and I think I've deciphered the second half of it to be "cause we/they wish to sleep" but have NO clue what the first half is saying at all.