vague lyrics in "Endtime" and "Tomb of Insomnia"


Ignorant Foolishness
Dec 26, 2003
Plano, TX
I'm surprised no one's done a thread about this yet. here are the lyrics of "Tomb of Insomnia", or I should say what's been DECIPHERED so far. I've been able to decipher two additional little snippets of words, but I was wanting to know if anyone has some inside information on what's being whsipered or if you just have a really good ear :hypno:

now, as for "Endtime"... the same issue... if you look up "Endtime"'s lyrics on, the guy who submitted them makes no reference to the incredibly vague singing that comes between "And surrounded me with sleep" and "They lost the Earth in fire". it sounds like they say the same thing a few times over, and I think I've deciphered the second half of it to be "cause we/they wish to sleep" but have NO clue what the first half is saying at all.
ryan1987online said:
now, as for "Endtime"... the same issue... if you look up "Endtime"'s lyrics on, the guy who submitted them makes no reference to the incredibly vague singing that comes between "And surrounded me with sleep" and "They lost the Earth in fire". it sounds like they say the same thing a few times over, and I think I've deciphered the second half of it to be "cause we/they wish to sleep" but have NO clue what the first half is saying at all.

I always thought it was "when the day is done, there's the wish to sleep", but it could easily be "dark" or "gone" instead of "done"...or anything. The more I listen to it, the more I'm thinking it's more likely to be "dark" than the other two. Does sound like they say "pierced by darkness" before it then "surrounding me, with sleep".
sounds like 'gone' to me. I'm more curious about what that radioguy or whatever he is are saying in the beginning there tho.
ialokin said:
sounds like 'gone' to me. I'm more curious about what that radioguy or whatever he is are saying in the beginning there tho.
Quote from the film "The Shining."

- Because, uh, for some people, solitude and isolation can of itself become a problem.
- Not for me.
Erik said:
Quote from the film "The Shining."

- Because, uh, for some people, solitude and isolation can of itself become a problem.
- Not for me.

I could always make out "solitude and isolation" and "not for me", but the rest I couldn't (although I never really tried). Now I know what it is and where it's from. :)
This is a famous quote from the film.

The context is, the man who is looking for a winter caretaker for the Hotel is warning Jack Nicholson's character that, "....solitude and isolation can of itself become a problem."

Nicholson's character replies with, "Not for me."

See the movie for the rest...
requiem said:
This is a famous quote from the film.

The context is, the man who is looking for a winter caretaker for the Hotel is warning Jack Nicholson's character that, "....solitude and isolation can of itself become a problem."

Nicholson's character replies with, "Not for me."

See the movie for the rest...

I've seen the movie a few times, but it's been awhile since I've seen it last, and I guess that's one part that didn't stand out to me. One line that did was the "don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just gonna bash your head in". :lol: A band put that in one of their songs and I recognised that.

I think I recall the last time I saw it thinking some parts were just plain about that watered down cranberry juice looking blood? :grin: