Valley Dolls Fri June 27th


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
Hey there! I don't usually like to pimp my other projects here, but what the hell! If you're looking for something to do this Friday, come on down to Platinum Live in Studio City (11345 Ventura Blvd.) and check out some chicks playing 80's glam metal.
This may be one of our last local gigs cuz one of the gals might be moving outta state for a while. :yell: Come get a preview of where the Maidens will be playing July 12th! Woohoo!
You SoCal guys and gals should go see these girls in case they call it quits - lots of fun and huge hair! :)

Now if only the Maidens would come back and visit us in the Northwest!
Just got back from sound check.....JESUS what a club and what an AMAZING sound system! Even if you don't like 80's metal, you should come down to check out the sound system! WOW! Can you tell I'm excited?

See ya!

Can't wait for the Maidens to play there!!!!!!:hotjump: