Valveking and Power Tubes


¯\(°_o)/¯ - How do?
Dec 3, 2007
Petoskey, Michigan
I recently picked up a ValveKing head for 150 bucks without the power tubes, I have two pairs of sovtek 5881WXT tubes from an older amp and I was wondering if I could pop these in to test the amp out. The amp they came out of took 6l6's and seemed to work fine with the 5881's in them. I need to be able to use this amp this friday and the only shop that sells tubes in my town wants an arm and a leg for 4 6l6's.
i had also got a valveking head for $150 a while back, i swapped the tubes around and no matter what, i couldn't get that thin and brittle quality out of it, i think a transformer upgrade will do nicely to fix this, as when i plugged it through my 5150 it sound quite thick and less piercing.

but in the end i ended selling towards a dual recto.
I just popped those old tubes in there, put the texture knob to A/B and farted around through a 4x12 with the 5150 speakers (not the 5150 cab) and it surprisingly sounded really good. Better than I expected. I noticed it had JJ's for preamp tubes and I'm not sure if those come stock or not, The tubes weren't that bad after all, I guess that Fender 'the twin' was just shot beyond belief. (crackling through signal, poor bass response) I bought this so that my other guitar player in the band I'm in will stop running his damn guitar through a spider II combo with the headphone out running into a randall halfstack which sounds like little children being killed... somehow he liked the tone, while everybody else in the band wanted to punch him in the face.