Van Helsing's Curse question


Sep 20, 2004
Germantown, Tennessee
Hey Guys! Does anyone here happen to have a copy of the VHC dvd from a few years ago that you don't want anymore or could anyone possible make a copy of the dvd for me? I missed out on that one! Thanks!:(
I have to the DVD, but I am sorry I will not make a copy. It is a great DVD, it is really well done.
Ebay? Forums? I'm sure you can find someone who will sell you a copy... but coming on a forum and asking people to burn you a copy, really?
Dang! Never mind! Checked other places, by the way! Couldn't find it. That's why I asked here. If I remember correct, the disc was free, you just had to pay $5 for shipping, correct?
LOL...I don't think Angrarox was trying to get a witch burning started. It's out of print as far as I know, so Dee Snider needs to make the damn thing available again! I wouldn't mind having it myself.

LOL...I don't think Angrarox was trying to get a witch burning started. It's out of print as far as I know, so Dee Snider needs to make the damn thing available again! I wouldn't mind having it myself.


Unlikely that. Dee hasn't done anything with VHC in 5 years.

As to "piracy":
1. The DVD was a free give away, so there is no issue with royalties.

2. I see no difference between asking for a burned copy, and recommending eBay. What difference is there between getting a burned copy, or buying a used copy from someone who has already ripped it?

3. Even worse there are people out there selling this disc, which they got for free, to make money. I know a certain promoter who hates, and rightly so, people making a free buck off of his hard work.
Yet the recommendation is to buy the DVD rather than ask for a copy.

Nevertheless, for those who wish to pay someone $12 for this "free" DVD, it's available at Midnight Syndicate. The reissued CD is at the top of the page , and the DVD at the bottom.
As to "piracy":
1. The DVD was a free give away, so there is no issue with royalties.

I'm not familiar with VHC, so I was unaware of the fact that the DVD was free to being with. My bad. :loco:

2. I see no difference between asking for a burned copy, and recommending eBay. What difference is there between getting a burned copy, or buying a used copy from someone who has already ripped it?
Well, the person selling a used copy on eBay may not have ripped it. Maybe they have. That's on them, not you. You're purchasing an 'original' copy of the material, which is 'legal'

3. Even worse there are people out there selling this disc, which they got for free, to make money. I know a certain promoter who hates, and rightly so, people making a free buck off of his hard work.
Agreed. And again, wasn't aware it was free :loco:
Well, the person selling a used copy on eBay may not have ripped it.
You believe that? Really?

Maybe they have. That's on them, not you. You're purchasing an 'original' copy of the material, which is 'legal'

Buying a CD and then sharing the files is illegal, but making the files and then sharing the CD is legal.
Either way the music gets passed around, so I don't really see any difference.
The artist gets no royalties by either method.
You believe that? Really?

Buying a CD and then sharing the files is illegal, but making the files and then sharing the CD is legal.
Either way the music gets passed around, so I don't really see any difference.
The artist gets no royalties by either method.

Slight chance the person didn't like the CD. I know I've sold CDs that I didn't bother keeping mp3s of cuz I took a chance on it and bought it blindly and got burned.
I give away the CDs I don't like at PP every year. Now Van Helsing's Curse, that's just awful. Wasn't it just Dee talking a lot?

VHC is/was a Halloween version of TSO. Dee did a narration between the music, as TSO does, but it wasn't "a lot."

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