Vanishing Point


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
I bought Vanishing Point's "In Thought" today - not bad! Shall have to listen to it a couple more times, but it's quite good so far. And any band that blatantly rips off "Have A Cigar" is OK in my books :)
Gee spiff you really do like The Def Leppard album...every time I read what you are listening to it is one of the songs of the album. I listened to it 4 times myself today!
Which VP song are you talking about? There is also a song on Tangled In Dream that sonds very close to an Angel song musicaly!The song that starts of with the Kenny G style keyboard intro that goes for a while!
Ahhh, "Father (7 Years)" you mean Xena?

Spiff, "In Thought" is fantastic! "Tangled In Dream" is great too! Alot more polished and brilliant harmonies but not as consistently rockin' or catchy as In Thought I don't think.