Vantage FV575/Noise problems/Accessories


Jun 3, 2009
Enköping, Sweden
So three questions is what I have for you :)

Vantage FV575:
Does anyone know anything about this guitar?
I have one here and I never actually knew what brand it was until now when i looked it up.

Havent tested it in a long time, and I've encountered some problems with my current guitar and I'm trying to figure out if I should move my mics over to this guitar instead.

Noise Problems:
I've been having strange feedback-ish sounds from what I believe is my guitar when I play my Krankenstein at our rehersal. It's an really strange sound, similar to feedback but when I move the feedback changes dramaticly and it almost sound as you do an high pitched sine sweep trough the amp. The other guitarist plugged in his guitar and it was dead quiet and we both use EMG 81s (I have my strings closer to the mics and have a bit stronger signal when we record with the same input)
This never occurs when I use the guitar straight into my interface, just when I run it in my amp even with the gain 5/10. Tomarrow I will resolder the electronics and change battery see if that will do anything.

So if anyone have encountered this before please tell me, what the F is this? It's honestly driving me nuts and it sucks to know that I will have an constant feedback at the rehersal.

Is there any place you could recommend where I can buy the guitar hardware, I mean everything accept the guitar body (By body I mean the wood only) I need everything, Tuners, Trem Bridge, Steel frets etc.

Thankful for any answers on either of the questions :)