weird squealing noise

Apr 24, 2008
hi guys,
I have a serious problem with my guitar, a Ibanez SZ320 BK. I play it with a Peavey XXX through a Rebuild Hughes&Kettner Warp 7 2x12 cab. And everytime i use the crunch/Ultra channel i get a very loud squealing noise even while i play notes. i am 100% sure its no (regular) feedback, cause it is too consistent in volume and frequenzy and i never had a feedback while i played notes on any amp with any guitar. I still get it though i use a boss ns-2 with full threshold and the least decay it can get, still the squealing. I think its the guitar cause with several other guitars ( 2 epiphone Les Pauls from friends), i don't even have to use a noise gate and there is no weird squealing and no feedback. I tried every routing/wiring option i could think off to eliminate the weird noise, changed pickup:Nothing. The only thing that worked was to eliminate one of the hot wires of the pickup and go to one volume pot and then straight to the output. (Nearly) no squealing but now my guitar sounds like ass and i have a weird crackling noise when playing open chords. Does anyone of you have a clue what i could do to eliminate the squealing that does not sacrifice my sound?
thanks in advance and regards
Does anyone of you guys have a clue what i can do to get the old sound
P.S.: unfortnately I don't have the cash to buy a decent replacement for the Ibanez, so buying a new guitar is no option for me.
I've actually been having this exact issue with my Hellraiser. I'm not certain what it could be, but it seems likely that it's a grounding issue of some kind. If you manage to sort it out I'd love to hear about it.
Sounds like either a pickup problem or (more likely) a microphonic preamp tube. Try using a different guitar, and if the problem is still there, get a new set of preamp tubes (making sure to get a balanced one for the last slot, the phase inverter) and that'll solve it! OR, if you're a cheap bastard, you can get one preamp tube and put in place of each old tube one at a time until it solves the problem - but I say out with the old, in with the new! :)
i don't think its the preamp tube cause with the other band's two guitars there is no squealing and no feedback. But thanks nonetheless metaltastic.
Ah ok, so it goes away with other guitars - in that case, take your axe to a tech and just have him rewire the whole thing! And maybe get some new pickups while your at it - stock Ibanez pickups, FOR SHAME :heh:
No No no stock pickups, i upgraded to a Dimarzio D-sonic.:kickass: I may take it to a tech...the last tech i asked about the problem said that it was a problem with whole guitar (wood, bridge, hardware,electronics etc. ) and that it was unchangeable. But this tech does no longer work there, maybe another tech will find a solution.
the last tech i asked about the problem said that it was a problem with whole guitar (wood, bridge, hardware,electronics etc. ) and that it was unchangeable. But this tech does no longer work there, maybe another tech will find a solution.

Hmm, yeah, that reeks of unspeakable bullshit to me...
Try taking the strings off the guitar, lightly tap the magnets with a screw driver and see if you're getting a high end frequency or type of squeel anywhere. You could also check the wiring yourself to see if it's dirty. Good Luck!

BTW that tech probably works at GC now....
have you tried the same guitar through other amps? i wouldn't consider the possibility of a microphonic tube ruled out until you verify that the issue happens with other amps as well - it could be that the other guitars you're using don't interact with the amp in a way that makes it wig out like that
I've actually been having this exact issue with my Hellraiser. I'm not certain what it could be, but it seems likely that it's a grounding issue of some kind. If you manage to sort it out I'd love to hear about it.

+1 My old Hellraiser also had issues. Crackled to fuck then lost power constantly, got it replaced and everything works now.
Got what replaced exactly, James? The entire guitar? :zombie:

Yep :) The guys said it might have been a dodgy batch Schecter had sent out. Strangely enough the one I have now did the same thing once when I got it home but has never done it since and that was around 2 years ago, fuck knows what that was all about.
Thanks for all the tips guys, you are truly awsome :kickass:
I'm gonna (once again, for the 10th time or so :rolleyes: ) check the wiring in my guitar, my bassplayer said he has one final idea what to do . If this doesn't work i may change my future Gear plans and buy a new guitar instead of a new Cabinet.though i love my Sz320 and hate my cabinet :waah:
thanks once again guys and Happy new year to all of you
Very odd man, hope you get it figured out and get back to jammin'. And make sure to update the thread with the solution, of course :)
