Ved Buens Ende


Eternal daydreamer
May 25, 2001
Ved Buens Ende
I wonder if there any people who love VED BUENS ENDE??? or am I the only one who is addicted....?

Think this band is totally unique,despite the fact that they are not so well-known..... I love the atmosphere of both albums,the weird lyrics,the awesome music and raw drum sounds....Carl-Michael's crying...
too sad thay are no longer active :cry:

"A wanderer i am indeed,son of the moon.........."
i feel the same way, it is diffucult to find other people, even metal heads, into them. had to make it quick but will discuss them more later
untill then
jay aka leadfoot256
Cheer up 'Melancholia'! Have you heard of 'Virus'? It's being said that it's the return of Ved Buens Ende, but of course under a different name. Carl Michael and some other great Norwegian musicians (maybe Vicotnic) created 'Virus' to continue the idea of VBE. They are about to release 'The drama hour' on C. Rygg's (Garm) label 'Jester Records' very soon.

Check out for more info.


PS. Let's hope they don't go in the direction 'Ulver' did, Grrr:(
I didn't say that!

Short explanation:

Well, each of Ulver's albums is different. When I listened to 'Bergtatt...' for the first time I felt like crying - the music really moved me. That trollish, folk-inspired sound, arghhh. The same was with 'Kveldssanger'. At the time 'Nattens Madrigal' was released I though it's the way they should go. A dark and frosty sound. But then came 'Themes ...' ... and here we are. Aiwarikia, who together with Garm did most of the music left the band. The metamorphosis started...

Amazing how Ulver's music has changed over the years. I find 'Metamorphosis' and 'Perdition city' absolutely great but I miss Garm's vocals - both his animal scream and the charismatic clean vox lines. Yes, the music is dark and misanthropic but if I had to choose I would say Garm should have gone in the direction Plasma Pool has. Huge, evil Attilla's vocals. Amazing.
Outstanding. This is what I miss in Garm's music.
Nevertheless 'Perdition City' is great. Should Garm ever record any music in the vein of 'Nattens...'? That is a question...

sure i have heard of Virus...and i can't wait to "taste" them : )))

ULVER RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hmmmmm......maybe the "essence" of ulver is the constant change of musical style.....and this is what makes them unique.....
Originally posted by Melancholia
ULVER RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Vi er mange og alene
Lik Odins tapte øye
Ragnarokk kaller
Og Yggdrasil faller

Originally posted by Melancholia
hmmmmm......maybe the "essence" of ulver is the constant change of musical style.....and this is what makes them unique.....

Maybe ....
But still, it is a shame such a unique voice is wasted. Damn, it makes me mad ... Arghhhhh!
hopefully i can understand some Norwegian....hehe

well,I can't say his voice is wasted,but somehow i miss his "weird" vocals.....especially those on Arcturus "La masquerade Infernale"........
anyway life is a constant change......otherwise it would be so boring i guess......

as for today this is my favorite thread :D
i love Ved Buens Ende but i haven't found anything from them here in chile.. :cry:

Yes, the music is dark and misanthropic but if I had to choose I would say Garm should have gone in the direction Plasma Pool has. Huge, evil Attilla's vocals. Amazing.
finally! somebody has heard Plasma Pool! :cry:

btw, thanks for the recommendation, Melancholia.. i loved Fleurety ;)
*overwhelmed* This is the first thread I've ever created (not that i have created many since then ....)
Ved Buens Ende rule supreme.....
Yes,VBE are hard to find nowadays... :(
I managed to get mine in the past owing to this unbelievable luck i have some times and to some trading.... is life : ((((((((((((((
At least it's great that you like the band :) Btw,apart from the songs on their two Cds,there is also an unreleased song called
"strange calm" for it and download it inc ase you haven't done so yet
hmmm....i think i heard VBE a couple of years ago and all i remember about them is that i thought they where strange. The music was strange, the artwork and everything else. But it was a couple of years ago, so maby i have to check them out again...

for those who don't speak nowegian, heres a translation of the ulver lyric that Nightwalker posted.:

we are many and alone
like the lost eye of Odin
Ragnarrok is calling
and yggdrasil is falling

i think it should be pretty correct.

Is Garm still in Arcturus?? I know the third [?] album is supposed to be out sometime in 2002, entitled 'The Sham Mirrors', but i heard some of the band members had left. Does anyone know whats happening with them??
VBE are cool, i can only listen to them when i am in a strange mood though. Perhaps i should get there other releases as i only have the 'Those who caress the Pale' demo...
supposedly the new arcturus & virus will be out on january :)

unfortunately i haven't heard anything else about them, since they don't have a website and ad astra records' site is now a porn site hehe :err:
a porn site??? cool,i'm gonna check immediately :ppppppppp

as far as I know Garm is still on Artcurus....
Guess we have to be patient and see...
what other "weird" bands do you like? maybe you could introduce me to something i haven't heard :D

it is a shame such a unique voice is wasted. Damn, it makes me mad ...
i think it's the opposite, now he can experiment with his voice and add different "shades" to his style.. the work he did on La Masquerade Infernale is amazing
i can't wait for the next records.. i'm really anxious to hear how a symphonic nattens madrigal sounds :cry:

that's why ulver is and always will be my favorite band.. every album is different and i never know what to expect.. i haven't been disappointed and i bet my soul that i won't be..
of course i love the majesty of Bergtatt but the album is still there and i can listen to it over and over as well as the new albums.. it's a different band every time...
*sigh* i'm not gonna cry-- :cry:

the ved buens ende thread is turning into the ulver thread ;)
It's so coooool that you are an Ulver fan! I LOVE ULVER..they are such an amzing band...
Yes,I can never know what to expect from Ulver and this what makes me feel so excited about them.... Once i wrote that the essence of Ulver is the constant changing and i still believe that :)

As for weird bands:
FLEURETY-the guys are awesome... even from their first album (last week i bought the promo of it -I nearly pissed my pants when i saw it...:D ) it showed this band has the guts and talent to create sth awesome. " Min tid skal komme" (their first) is less complicated than the rest,it's just BM with many raw an dmany atmospheric parts,but still unique....
Their last album "Deparment of Apocalyptic affairs" is the most weird of all... everything about it (from the cover,layout,booklet (well,i wouldn'tc all it booklet ;),songs etc) is unique
But i guess you have heard them?

ARCTURUS-oh,well you know what i'm going to say :hotjump:

SOLEFALD-my great discovery for 2001 (actually my boyfriend discovered them first :D ) Still I haven't heard their first album (but i will soon :) )

DODHEIMSGARD- you know experimental electronical(?) BM

MONUMENTUM-not metal,but still "weird"

hmm this what comes to my mind now...I won't ramble on,because i feel you've heard them all...but still if you haven't just ask and i'll start "my propaganda" :p

What about you?
Bergtatt RULES!

haven't heard Kveldssanger nor the last one but I have heard that they were given a lot of money to record "Nattens...", but instead of recording they took most of the money for themselves and recorded an album for a few hundred dollars. Hence the shitty sound. :D :D

The record company, to justify the sound, made it look like they recorded it all in "cold woods" and that this was "the return to basics" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nevertheless Bergtatt is great :cool:

But I love Garm's work, whether it's Ulver, Arcturus or Borknagar, all of it rocks.

To return to the topic of the thread: can VBE be heard somewhere on the internet and is there a link to read something more about them, see the artwork etc etc?
Originally posted by 403
haven't heard Kveldssanger nor the last one but I have heard that they were given a lot of money to record "Nattens...", but instead of recording they took most of the money for themselves and recorded an album for a few hundred dollars. Hence the shitty sound. :D :D

The record company, to justify the sound, made it look like they recorded it all in "cold woods" and that this was "the return to basics" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yep,i've read about this in a psot in some of these forums....
but still i can't really believe that
The only thing I know that the awful sound (I love it!!!!!) was done deliberately hehe

as for VBE I could only find this page:
which is not informative at's just their releases and the tracklist of the albums.....
I guess you can download some of their stuff in Audiogalaxy?
I have no idea :(
Originally posted by Melancholia
It's so coooool that you are an Ulver fan! I LOVE ULVER..they are such an amzing band...
Yes,I can never know what to expect from Ulver and this what makes me feel so excited about them.... Once i wrote that the essence of Ulver is the constant changing and i still believe that :)

As for weird bands:
FLEURETY-the guys are awesome... even from their first album (last week i bought the promo of it -I nearly pissed my pants when i saw it...:D ) it showed this band has the guts and talent to create sth awesome. " Min tid skal komme" (their first) is less complicated than the rest,it's just BM with many raw an dmany atmospheric parts,but still unique....
Their last album "Deparment of Apocalyptic affairs" is the most weird of all... everything about it (from the cover,layout,booklet (well,i wouldn'tc all it booklet ;),songs etc) is unique
But i guess you have heard them?

ARCTURUS-oh,well you know what i'm going to say :hotjump:

SOLEFALD-my great discovery for 2001 (actually my boyfriend discovered them first :D ) Still I haven't heard their first album (but i will soon :) )

DODHEIMSGARD- you know experimental electronical(?) BM

MONUMENTUM-not metal,but still "weird"

hmm this what comes to my mind now...I won't ramble on,because i feel you've heard them all...but still if you haven't just ask and i'll start "my propaganda" :p

What about you?
i've been humiliated so many times for loving Ulver, people around here are really close-minded (that's why i'm moving to the north! :D ) we don't even get the CDs here, so i became Jester Records' pet.. they have the greatest bands, even if they're not metal..
have you heard When? :cry: (i'm lacking a drooling smilie)

i heard Fleurety 'cause you mentioned somewhere and i loved it. it's great.. so i have to thank you again.. i had never heard of them before..

a finnish friend of mine told me to listen to DHG and i can't thank him enough.. i'm still looking for the right xmas gift for him.. i don't know what would i do without 666 international.. i've heard the other albums and i like them too but they're different so i can't say that one is better than another..

i'm going to check monumentum 'cause i haven't yet... and about Solefald.. i could say a lot of things but you already know :tickled:

also Bogus Blimp is great, someone said it's like sinister Mr. Bungle...
mm.. Diablerie, has it's moments.. i don't like them very much.. it's a finnish industrial black metal band..

and my favorite non-metal band... Current 93... i really have no words to explain the band 'cause they have over 30 albums each one different from the other going from folk (or apocalyptic folk as they call it) to goth to plain experimental to ritual music to dark & depressive only vocals/piano songs to spoken word... the lyrics are amazing.. one mellow tune can be a thousand times more intense than the loudest extreme band...
i better stop before i get carried away ;)