Velvet Revolver kick out Scott Weiland

Soundgarden's stuff was in a special category called Awesome Music.

Oh yeah, no surprises re Scott Weiland!
He is just another rock n roll fuck up imo, it is actually a shame that everytime stars like him start to succeed again they just delve back into everything that makes them a fuck up. It is really a sad tale, hopefully he can get whatever help he needs and readjust his sights, maybe retire and stay away from the limelight altogether
Cornell quit Audioslave because he is happier as a solo artist. There is no way he would consider joining another band that wasn't a Soundgarden reunion IMO.

Apparently Myles Kennedy from Alter Bridge (Creed with different vocalist) was another possibility for fronting Velvet Revolver, but he opted to join the Creed guys to help form AB instead. Smart move, AB are fucking awesome, and VR are a mediocre disaster. To anyone who hasn't heard their latest album Blackbird, I highly recommend it, probably my album of 2007. Sounds like a great mix of Soundgarden, Creed and Zakk Wylde. Awesome.
Cornell quit Audioslave because he is happier as a solo artist. There is no way he would consider joining another band that wasn't a Soundgarden reunion IMO.

Was actually making a joke and not suggesting that he should.

He's also finally receiving mainstream attention in his solo that he should've gotten with his vocal work with Audioslave.

But at least all his hard work is finally paying off for him.
The idea of the old Soundgarden singer playing with RATM's musicians was pretty crazy at the time.
Some, but the potential they had considering their background outweighed their real achievements. Although it has to be said, RATM was essentially a one-trick pony, so it probably wasn't that surprising that Audioslave weren't that spectacular.