Velvet Revolver !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feb 7, 2002
DC area
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First, let me start off by saying hi to all of my board friends Jeff Prime 666, Ty, Sandra, Justin, Camille, Rheilthing, Darby'sdad . If I left anyone out, it's because I either forgot, or I just don't like you.

Woah !! It's been a crazy past couple of days. Sunday morning, my buddy shows up to my door step and we head south to Va Beach. We arrive around noon and jumped in the ocean, had a few beers and jumped back in the ocean. It started to rain so we took shelter in this little crab shack. We sat there for 4 hours for all you can eat crabs and drink beers/maragritas/and bloody mary's. We drove down to the ampitheater for the Velvet Revolver show. You could hear the opening band, Hoobastank playing. We finally scored good tickets. It was still raining and were holding out for pavillion covered seats. Smoke a fat J and smuggle one in. Velvet Revolver puts on a hell of a good show. Scott Weiland is probably the best front man touring right now. Slash is Jesus. He just shredded like no other. Busted out his arsenal of axes and even fucked with the talk box. They played two STP songs and two GNR songs. They also played a Pink Floyd song. During "sex type thing", Weiland ran out into the crowd and sang two rows behind me. I stood up on my chair and gave him the horns. After the show, we hung out in the parking lot all muddy, it was pouring. We were still completely wasted. We were haning out with va beach sluts and we stripped down to tour underwear and blasted Pantera on the car stereo. our Dimebag tribute if you will. Va Beach is where I've had my lone encounter with Dimebag. Thanks to Charlie for hooking it up a few years ago, got to meet Dimebag when he was touring with Pantera.

We finally got home monday morning and I had to work from 10am to 11pm. Tuesday morning rolls around and my other buddy suggest a road trip to Cleveland to see the same band. Left around 230pm and got there around 9pm. Scored tickets really fast. We had been smoking J's all day long. We ended up accidently parking the car in the same lot where the tour buses were. Got to meet Scott Weiland and Duff. The show rocked needless to say. This one was General Admission, so we got up really super close and I love midwest girls. That's all I have to say about that. They're really "friendly". Saw a dude wearing an Anthrax shirt. I'm wondering if he's anyone that posts on here. For a moment I thought it was Justin or Ty. Or maybe Steve M. I don't know?

Oh we drove home all blazed. We kept smoking. We both work together and had to be at work at 10am for another 12 hour shift. We got into DC around 930am. No time to shower or anything. Just went straight to work like a couple of zombies.
Hey Alex - I thought about your gig review this morning

2 STP songs and 2 GnR songs. What no Wasted Youth tunes - you got robbed :D

Is it beer 30 yet?