

New Metal Member
Oct 29, 2002
To Sun Caged,
“In veneration I hearken to the eclectic amalgam that indeed defines the musical genre that 'Sun Caged' practices. Its harmonious nature not only stimulates my intellect, it also invokes capricious sentiments delving into a hiatus of coruscation and delight.”
- Those were the words that immediately came to me upon listening to “Four Guilders”, “Killer Banshee”, “Secrets of Flights” and “Sedation”.

I would therefore like to promulgate my awe pertaining to the complexities of Sun Caged (on a whole). However I would also venture so far as to label your music as ‘progressive fusion’ as I perceive its communicative properties as amaranthine and thereby sempiternal.

Furthermore, upon gaining some more insight into where you all originate from, I said to myself; They are not only adroit musicians but they also have access to ‘vla’! (my favorite dessert).

Once more, bravo!

Post Scriptum:
Dennis Leeflang – Seldom have I come across a drummer of your immense caliber. Admirable performance on all tracks! I was merely wondering; did you attend the previous Dynamo festival? I seem to remember seeing you…
Marcel Coenen – You are a fantastic and competent musician. I must specifically underline and complement you for the complex time signatures that you have incorporated into your music.
Rob van der Loo – You are indeed an alien. I have long been a fan of your profound technique.
Joost van den Broek – The first performer that I thought of when hearing you play was; Derek Sherinian… :)

- Acerbus Atrositus

Thanks for the comliments!
Your vocabulary is more progressive than our music! Very impressive :)

